Supplies used:
Recycled plaque from 2nd hand store.
Shawn Petite stencils- Fav Words 2, Mediterranean Duo, Scribbles and Tulip Trio.
Mediums- Liquitex Matte Medium, Modeling Paste, Gesso & Heavy Gel
Paints- Decoart Premium paints in Green Gold, Carbon Black, Cobalt Turquoise Hue, Raw Umber, Permanent Violet Dark, & Quinacridone Red. Golden High Flow acrylic in Hansa Yellow Medium.
Ranger Black Archival Ink
Make up brushes
ART of Truth – Hi friends, I wasn’t planning on doing another Sunday’s ART of Truth so soon after the last one, but it seemed fitting and right.
It goes without saying that our world is in upheaval.As humans, we struggle with fear, ‘what if’s’, money concerns & loss of employment. We are separated from people we would love to spend time with. We worry about our loved ones. We try to follow the rules. We are trying to BUY TP 🙂 for Pete and Henry’s sake- why is that so hard. We laugh at meme’s about toilet paper hoarding and obsession. We worry about the decisions made by our leaders. We are separated from our co-workers and other close communities. Events are cancelled. Churches now have no walls as we allow preaching and teaching and worship in front of a screen.
All of those things are real and to wonder and worry is human, but there is more that we can do 🙂
I have recognized fear in myself- fear when things are not readily accessible to me. I worry about having enough food. I worry about paper towels, baby wipes & toilet paper. I didn’t realize how anxious it makes me feel. Once I recognized it, I had to make a choice on what I am going to focus on in these times.
Slow motion life has caused me to slow down, to enjoy the sun, to not be anxious about time, to appreciate that cup of coffee and that conversation with my husband.
When I sat down to create the above project, I immediately felt joy. Joy about my life. Joy about where & who I put my hope in. I begin to feel light and happy and un-stressed. It is so nice.
It is not in any way, to make light of all the people who are seriously ill and those who have died from this virus. But changes our view and our attitude is something that we can control and change. We can choose gratitude that we have people, even if they can’t be with us right now. We can be thankful for the food that we have, it could be SO much worse. We can focus on the moments, the moments that feel very slow right now. I am grateful for the slow.
I know that we all have our issues and our ways of processing such things but I would like to encourage you human to human, find your Tulip Joy. I found exceedingly great joy in my tulip 🙂 I did something in my heart. It offered a place to breathe and smile and hope for better days ahead. We will get through this. We can lean on each other (of course, abiding by 6 feet social distancing :-)) but we can still lean. We are not alone. If you know someone is alone, reach out. Give them a call. Leave a basket on their doorstep or a note. There is always something we can do.
I encourage you, during this time to seek out the joy spots. The things that bring you peace. It is not a burying your head in the sand, it is about putting your face in a different direction and checking in often with the truth and your rational self 🙂
We will be ok. This will end. We will be stronger. AND, we WILL be able to buy toilet paper again 🙂
Blessings my friends, I hope you that you could check out the video of the Tulip Joy process 🙂
Beloved- Reborn