Sunday’s ART of Truth – “He would restore her…” – 7/12/2020

YouTube video below…

Happy Sunday morning friends & family,

First I wanted to talk about the words that are on this piece…in the early part of May, I saw a writing on  Facebook from Tera’s Online Christian Journey. It said “He would restore her and He would revive her. and she would rise up, and STAND STRONG”. At the time, they touched me deeply. I knew I needed to create something with it at a later date. I reached out to Tera Elness, the author and expressed how it touched me and requested permission to use it in a piece of art. She gladly allowed me to. It is important to ask, as words that are inspired by Him and are given to us in our journey are sacred and should be treated as such. I am so blessed that she allowed me to use it. Fast forward 3 & 1/2 months and it called to me. Today I want to write about those words as well as the art piece I created.

The piece is a 12 x 12 wrapped canvas. I started with a piece of rice paper and some scrapbook paper. I added my own elements that spoke to me. The old books on the left side are a scrapbook paper. The books drew me, as they often do…because our lives are a story and they are packed with so much joy, sorrow, loss, lessons, gains, births, deaths, separations, misunderstandings…and on and on. Our stories are sacred, just as Tera’s words were/are when Jesus gave them to her. What is inside of our books is part of who we are. So, the old books were fitting and I love how it went together. I loved the colors on this piece.

“He would restore her and He would revive her and she would rise up, and STAND STRONG.” Do you feel the power in those words? It still rocks my world and everything I understand about it. “He would” is a promise of what He said He would do. When I graduated High School, my verse was Philippians 1:6 – Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion. In the midst of my insane world, that is the promise He gave me though I did not know what the journey would look like or mean at that time. I only knew I was in love and I was going to marry Timothy Alan Wolf, my Knight in shining armor. My rescuer. My heart. But Jesus knew I needed Him, more than I knew I needed Him. This verse would anchor me through the darkest times of my healing journey. He doesn’t just heal my friends, He restores. He said in Joel 2:25  “I will restore the YEARS that the locust has eaten”. Not just heal but give back what was taken. Of course, we know that we cannot undo what happened in the physical world. We cannot restore innocence, as though it never happened. We cannot pretend that those things didn’t happen. But, because He is sovereign and He is God and He is loving, He does heal and restore our hearts in that beautiful, miraculous and supernatural ways that only He can.

“He would revive her…”

Revive: To restore to life and consciousness – WOW, just wow. That really got me in the center of my heart and soul. Life and consciousness. Think about that. When we go through hard times, especially as children. When we are not physically rescued. When we are not protected. When we are robbed. When we are deceived by ‘love’…we lose life at the cost of survival. We lose consciousness because it is not safe to be conscious. As a small child, very small- I was creative. In my mind, God allowed me the ability to split off parts of myself so that I could house all the things that my life was beginning to contain and would continue to contain. Parts of me carried for me what I could not endure. So, Jesus- sweet Jesus allowed my mind to break away and set those experiences in containers so that I could live and breathe. He knew, even than that He was going to restore all of that. And, HE did. He did. He has restored life and consciousness to me. No more death and no more secrets (from myself) Yay God! My friends, He revives. But, He won’t barge in. He won’t take over. He won’t push past us. He will not forsake our will or trample over our fear. He will wait for us to trust Him to do what only He can do. Restore…Revive…

“She would rise up…”. Yes. I wasn’t suppose to rise up. I wasn’t suppose to fight back. I wasn’t supposed to accept God’s plan for my life. I wasn’t supposed to walk away from generational abuse. I was supposed to stayed link forever. I was supposed to be a crumpled tattered mess on the floor of my life. But, only Jesus. He picked me up. He whispered in my ear of deep love I had never known. He breathed over me hundreds of thousands of millions of times. Live…live…live…I love you. I have a plan for you. I will never leave you. I will heal you. He promised strength and provision for the journey. He carried me until I could walk. Then He walked beside me, as close as my breath, until I could walk alone. Eventually, I could stand tall. I could breathe without wanting to die every millisecond. Only God. Only Jesus. Only Papa.

“She would STAND STRONG”…there is standing and then there is rising. Rising is a choice. It is defiance. It is resilience. It is action. It is a verb. It is supernatural. She rose. In Him, I rose. And, now I stand strong.

It is imperfect. I am imperfect. I don’t do a lot of things well. I struggle with many of the same things I have over the years, but the difference is in truth of RESTORE, REVIVE, RISING & STANDING STRONG.

My friends, we are not alone. You are not alone. You are loved. Your are salvageable.

If you don’t already feel it, my friends- know that the restoration is coming, it is promised. The reviving is happening. When we reach for truth and healing and we choose vulnerability and being present- reviving happens. It takes time, sometimes, a lot of time. It took 30 years of compressed healing time. But, His promises are yes and amen. He doesn’t break promises. Others will let us down. We will let others down, but He cannot. One day, you will feel the rising and then you will find yourself standing strong in ways that you never could have imagined.

I know the lies that we hear my friends…the lies that say we are not worthy. Lies that say we are ‘too bad’. Too lost. Too broken and too scarred.

I encourage you to examine those lies and ask Jesus what the truth is. In our feeble humanity we cannot find the truth, we need Him.

I would love to hear your thoughts about this writing if you feel so inclined. We are all sisters and brothers in this journey and we don’t have to do it alone.

Blessings & love,


Supplies used:

12 x 12 wrapped Masters Touch Canvas-

Stamperia Rice Paper – Wandering Mind-

LTD Collection Rice Paper Butterfly –


Script Stamp – it is a fairy tale theme but I am not able to locate it online

Golden Fluid Acrylics – Raw Sienna & Cerulean Blue Deep –

Soho Soft Pastels –

My Go To Mixed Media Supplies:

Liquitex Matte Medium-

Liquitex Glazing Medium-

Liquitex Gesso-

Liquitex Heavy Gesso-

Penny Black Script Stamp-

Shawn Petite Stencils-

Ranger Archival Ink-

Makeup Brushes-

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