Sunday’s ART of Truth – “Your story is far from over” – 7/26/2020

Sunday’s ART of Truth – “Your story is far from over” – 7/26/2020

Good morning friends and family. I wanted to share with you something that a new friend inspired in me this past week.

Do you ever go through times when you wonder if who you are & what you do matters? Do you ever lose sight of the impact your life and story make in our world?

In the craziness of COVID19, everything feels so skewed and sideways (at least it does for me) Like many of us, COVID19 and restrictions have taken a toll on our sense of purpose, productivity & sense of being a part of something bigger. I personally have struggled intensely with ‘being enough’ and believing in myself and my impact in my small world. I worry, more than I like to even admit to myself about what the future holds.

As I have referenced before in other blogs, God and I had a deal 30 years ago. I said, “hey, yeah, I’ll do the work. No matter how hard and no matter how long. Please just promise me that you will use it to help someone else and bring them to you”. Deal struck and onward I went. I did the work, for 30 years. I am grateful in so many ways.

In the past year or so, there has been so much change. People and places where I felt safe and comfortable and purposeful in sharing my story and my experience no longer exist. I have struggled with intense loneliness as my larger world/community has dwindled down to almost nothing.

I believe that sometimes that needs to happen. Sometimes, change is critical to our growth. Not because we don’t care for people but because God has something new and different on the horizon. A future that only He is privy to. I trust Him, I do- but it is lonely and it seems to have sucked the purpose out of me. Along with not being able to be productive in the ways in which I used to be, this has also weakened my sense of purpose. I have been sitting with that recently and seeking Him to find peace, feel the feelings and reconcile what that is all about.

I had begun to feel quite defeated and a little sorry for myself (ok, maybe a lot sorry for myself)

I reconciled in myself that perhaps this is just a season for reflection and being alone.

Fast forward to a week ago. I shared something on Facebook that was fairly vulnerable. Someone who had friended me on Facebook reached out to me on messenger about the post I had shared. That opened up a door that was quite unexpected. We shared back and forth getting to know each other. She shared that she had a piece of my artwork that had been auctioned. I couldn’t believe it. I never knew who purchased that piece of art. I could hear Jesus whispering to me at that moment saying ‘see, I still use you…you are not a wasteland…you are not dried up’…

At that time, I had no idea what I was going to write about this week, as I felt no inspiration. I told this lovely woman that she had just provided me with my Sunday’s inspiration and thanked her for her bravery in reaching out.

This blog and piece is entitled- “Your story is far from over.”

The meaning behind this is that our stories are bigger than our experiences, our pains, our disappointments and our past. The idea that our stories are far from over means that the things that we learn, the ways that we grow and the people we have the pleasure of impacting, echoes through time. Jesus reminds me that He always redeems. He restores what the enemy has stolen from us. If we will allow Him, He will bring good out of our experiences.

Though my circle has changed. Though I cannot teach art at this time in the ways I have in the past. Though we are still so very limited in our lives, God is still at work. We need only to yield to His voice and follow His heart.

So, thank you, my new friend for unknowingly reminding me that I matter and that my story matters. For allowing me to be me and for trusting me with your precious heart.

My friends, your well is not dry. Your story is not over. Your impact is never ending. Claim it. Walk in it. Embrace it. Allow your story to echo. No matter where you are in your journey, your life and story can still touch others in ways that you may never even be witness to.

Your story is far from over 😊

Blessings my friends,


YouTube Video:

Supplies used:

Daler Rowny Acrylic Inks – Indian Yellow, Olive Green & Turquoise

Golden High Flow Acrylic – Quinacridone Magenta

Golden Fluid Acrylics – Raw Umber, Cadmium Yellow Hue & Quinacridone Magenta

Liquitex Matte Medium

Liquitex Heavy Gel

Liquitex Gesso

Soho Soft Pastels

Door 1 Large with Mask Stencil – Shawn Petite –

Paris Flourish 2 Stencil- Shawn Petite –

Cobbles Stone Stencil – Shawn Petite –

Ranger Archival Ink – Black

Generals Charcoal Pencil

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