Sunday’s ART of Truth – I come to the sea to breathe

Hello friends,

Oh, how I love the ocean. I love everything about it. No matter the weather, it is my favorite place to be. It has been my sweet place of respite and healing. So many tears for so many years. So much grief expelled into the ocean. Tears and pink roses. There is something so peaceful about the beauty and the power of the ocean. When it is storming, I imagine God was screaming with me. Angry with me, for me. At times, the rain and the storms were so great, I couldn’t see the ocean. He would speak to me about the power and peace that is found in the eye of the storms. I would cry out to Him and the storm would absorb it. It is fierce and it is peace. When it is quiet and the skies are blue, I imagine that He is dancing with me. That my daughter is there and she is dancing for me.

I have worshiped there. I have danced there. I have written thousands of words draining my heart and soul of grief and poison. So good.

I entitled this, “I come to the sea to breathe” because in the deepest darkest times of my journey, I found life there. I found my breath…or could at least catch it for a while. I found an ear for the echoes of my grief. There is nothing like the air near the ocean. It is so poignant as though it houses the very power of the oceans might. Often, I would stand on the shore and watch as the waves would pick up my rose petals and sweep them out to sea, kissed by the Creator Himself, and pushed back to the shore. This would happen again and again. With each movement, I would breathe. I would let go a little bit more. I would cry. It was healing. So healing.

Those days are past, thankfully. Now, when I go, I just breathe. I inhale peace and exhale gratitude. Grateful for all the healing that is behind me. Grateful for all that is in front of me. Recently, the visits there weren’t about grief, they were about joy. Watching my grandkids at various times playing, running, laughing and eating.

He does turn our sorrow into dancing, if we let Him. We can find peace in the sitting with ourselves in the silence and allowing the healing shifts of His mercy and love.

What once was a place of grieving and introspection is now a place that reminds me of His promise to bring beauty from ashes.

I still grieve, but it is a reverent grieving. It is a love-filled grieving. It isn’t sharp and destructive.

Now, I go, and I find joy and I am reminded of who I have believed in…that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him…

For me, the peace is in the sea. How about you?

What is the place that brings you comfort? That sets your soul free?

In these times, it is so important to find places of respite and peace. Whether it is the ocean, the woods, your car or your back porch, I hope you go there often.

I hope that you can open up your heart, soul and lungs to the peace that comes from breathing 😊

Be blessed my friends. Be well.

Until next time,


Supplies used: Shawn Petite

Scribbles –

Take Me To The Water –

Moraccan Tiles 2 –×10-stencil-p202091817

Numbers Jumbled –

Boats XL –×12-stencil-p219065013#a_aid=Cara_Renee&a_bid=df4de29c

Golden Fluid Acrylics – Raw Sienna, Raw Umber, Cerulean Blue Deep & Colbalt Turquoise –

Golden High Flow Acrylic – Transparent Yellow Oxide –

Art Alchemy Wax- Peacock –

Decoart Crackle Paint –

List of basic mixed media supplies:

Liquitex Matte Medium-

Liquitex Glazing Medium-

Liquitex Gesso-

Liquitex Heavy Gesso-

Penny Black Script Stamp-

Shawn Petite Stencils-

Ranger Archival Ink-

Makeup Brushes-

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