Sunday’s ART of Truth – “Soulful” – 10-11-20
Happy Sunday my friends 😊 I had so much fun creating this piece. It is the first project I have done on my new MDF board. I absolutely love that substrate! I struggle trying new things in my mixed media art but on this one, I really pushed the envelope in terms of my comfort zone. I am super happy about how it turned out. I hope that you enjoyed the video.
Today, I want to write about being soulful, which is the focus of this Sunday’s ART of Truth.
To be soulful is to live with passion and purpose. Our heart drives us and gives us direction. It is living in a heart-based place where we are up-front, honest & sincere. When we live from a place of soulfulness, we live from a place of joy. It is endeavoring to live from a place of self-awareness & being conscious of our words, thoughts and feelings. It is an exercise in examining our purpose, intentions and goals.
In our world, we are accustomed to an instant, fast-paced, and immediate result life. We are not inclined to slow down, look inside or get honest with ourselves. We blow sunshine and inhale our feelings rather than sitting quiet in an effort to examine ourselves and what we really feel. We swallow media slanted realities that tug at our humanity. We get caught in the hamster wheel and succumb to the lie that there is no hope. That there is nothing that we can do.
We are not hamsters. We don’t have to be controlled by the thoughts or opinions of others. We don’t have to drown in the hopelessness that is swirling around us. Last week, in a conversation with one of my daughters, I actually said “we are just hamsters in a cage, running on that wheel and going nowhere”. It wasn’t until later that I realized how I had given in to believing that there is no hope. That we can’t make a difference. That we have no choices.
What we speak becomes what we believe. What we allow ourselves to believe comes out of our mouths. It is so easy to succumb to the negativity rather than sit with how powerless I FEEL. Isn’t that what it is really about? Feeling powerless? Feeling inconsequential?
Yet, if we only settle for what we FEEL, we are not being soulful. To be soulful is to be connected to ourselves. It is also about being connected to others, whether in joy, pain or hardship. There is no passion in a place of fear. There is no sense of direction if we cannot connect to our own hearts. If we cannot connect to our own hearts, we cannot connect to others hearts. Therein, we lose our humanity.
I am learning that the first place I need to look is inside of me. What am I feeling about that thing I just heard? What am I afraid of? What do I want? When I can admit that I feel angry because I feel like I am being jerked around by everything around me, then I enter into a place of purposeful pursuit of truth. Often, this is followed by a deep breath of fresh air and clarity of mind.
I don’t want to choke on regret. I don’t want to sit in silence. I want to live with passion and purpose. I want to be able to decide what I believe because I know who I am.
It is hard to slow down when the world seems to be spinning off its axis. It is scary to believe in anything. It feels impossible to believe that good can happen when everything feels so crazy.
Years ago, Jesus gave me a picture of Him in the middle of my storm. I was drowning in traumatic memory where I felt like there was no way out. I felt like it was never going to end. The grief, the pain & the darkness wrapped itself around me and I was without hope. He showed me that if I just looked up in the center of myself, into the eye of the storm, I would see Him. It worked every time, every single time. Being intentional about what we feel, believe and think…being soulful is about looking to what will ground us. It is about being aware of what we need and allowing ourselves time to get that.
My friends, I want to encourage you to look inside and ask yourself what you need when things feel like you are on the wrong side of the looking glass, trapped in a world where nothing makes sense.
What brings you peace? Is there a book, a poem, a song, a scripture that grounds you?
What do you do that brings you back to your center? That place where you can be drained out and nourished at the same time.
I encourage you to ponder that. Sit with it. Do it.
Whatever it is that helps you know your truth. Whatever it is that helps you to feel like you matter and that you can make a difference, do that.
Be you. Be one with yourself. Be passionate. Be authentic. Tell the truth always. Know what you believe and please don’t allow this world to rob you because it is big and evil and nasty.
What truths can be found in quiet and soulful places in your spirit?
You make a difference. I make a difference.
You are beautiful and you are loved.
Until next time,
YouTube Video:
Supplies used:
12 x 12 MDF Board – ¾ inch
Rose Bouquet Image – Design Bundles –
Shawn Petite Stencil- Fave Words 12 x 16 –×16-p223040086#a_aid=Cara_Renee&a_bid=e3c73ee1
Shawn Petite Stencil- Lace –
Shawn Petite Stencil – Moraccan Tiles 2 –×10-stencil-p202091817#a_aid=Cara_Renee&a_bid=b6f6c700
The Crafters Workshop Stencil – 12 x 12 –×12&crid=1DH15I88DWUSD&sprefix=the+crafters+workshop%2Caps%2C348&ref=nb_sb_ss_i_4_21
Decoart Crackle Medium –
Decoart Acrylic Paint – Light Buttermilk & Berry Cobbler –
Liquitex Ink- Transparent Raw Umber –
Ranger Archival Ink- Jet Black – see Basic Mixed Media supplies below
Liquitex Gesso, Matte Medium & Heavy Gesso – see Basic Mixed Media supplies below
Golden Artist Grade Acrylic Paint – Sap Green Hue –
Penny Black Script Stamp – see Basic Mixed Media supplies below
List of Basic Mixed Media Supplies:
Shoresua Script Stamp-
Golden High Flow Acrylic – Transparent Yellow Oxide –
Liquitex Matte Medium-
Liquitex Glazing Medium-
Liquitex Heavy Gesso-
Penny Black Script Stamp-
Shawn Petite Stencils-
Decoart Crackle Paint –
Rembrandt Soft Pastel – Black –
Golden Fluid Acrylics –

Beautifully said Cara-Renee. Have a great week!
Thank you 💛 blessings