YouTube Video below 🙂
Hello friends,
It has been hard to think about writing this week. This piece started with rice paper that had a very wintry scene but ended up going a different direction. While I enjoyed creating it, I found my heart and mind stretched while creating another seasonal art piece.
I created this 1 week ago. I felt my heart quite engaged in the creating and I knew that there was something that my heart needed to hear but I had no idea what it was. This was until I checked in with my heart and realized how deflated I felt in my spirit & in my soul. Wanting to move to an apathetic place that says ‘I don’t care’. However, the reality is that I do care VERY MUCH. I care that our country is divided. I care that people have lost hope in our electoral system. I am grieved at the level of hatred and violence. I am deeply concerned about the future of our USA. I want it to be over. I want to know finally which way this is going to go…I want peace. I want the winter to be over. I want to feel hope in something that is bigger than me, again, in this season. The art piece was clearly a winter scene but as it unfolded it felt like something was shifting inside and speaking to me of hope and urging me to return to believing. It is the kind of believing that comes from faith. The kind that the world can not give us. As the piece progressed, I felt like the hope and the believing was trying to break through the snow, the coldness, the grayness…I didn’t realize that it was about how my heart and mind was processing the election.
We are now in day 18 of our Presidential election. I wasn’t intending to write about the election. Generally, I only talk politics with my husband. Everything else feels so intense and atomic. I have been watching the events of the last 18 days. It has been good in that I have stretched my heart and mind in ways that I haven’t in this arena. I have held a fairly neutral position and one that keeps me safe. My intent today is to not talk about political parties, red or blue, left or right. My heart is to talk about how we navigate through this mess that we seem to be in. How do we face the fear, the unknown, the violence, the media that is slanted, and the sheer volatility of it all? How do we retain our humanity in the face of red, blue, Republican, Democrat, accusation, lies, defending, blaming, conspiracy, color, race & religion?
I have seen so many things about the American people losing faith in our country. A deep distrust of the systems that have been put in place to keep us free. A promise to self to just not vote, because ‘what difference does it make?’ In the winter, the hard times, we want someone to tell us it will all be okay. We want it wrapped up yesterday. But, just as in other seasons of winter, we must exercise patience & faith. We must choose to see spring under the snow and ice. We must not give up hope. We must not allow ourselves to become apathetic. Winter seasons have a lesson to teach us. Lessons about believing in spring. Waiting for the blooms. Hoping for better tomorrows. The winters can be hard, course against our souls, exhausting, confusing, hopeless & futile at times.
Me? I cry out to God. I ask for mercy for our nation. I beg for truth to cut through the darkness. I ask for patience and that my faith will be made stronger.
What I know…
This too shall pass.
We can surrender to being a person who displays grace and love in the face of hatred.
We can be the person who prays for our leaders.
We can be the listening ear to someone who is afraid of this unknown place.
We can soak up the goodness that is around us (yes, it is there 😊)
We can exchange apathy for action. Hopelessness for faith.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
I don’t know were you are in all this my friends, but I hope that you have a safe person to talk to. Someone whom you can say everything you want to say to unload your heart and mind. I pray that you find that spring of faith & belief that will help carry you to the other side.
Please be gentle with yourself. Know that you are not alone in your wonderings, fear, anger perhaps…All of humanity is screaming this in all the ‘languages’ they know.
Extend kindness even if it is not returned.
Be gentle, courteous & respectful of differing views.
Avoid returning evil for evil.
When we bleed all over each other, everyone gets hurt.
Until next time,
Blessings – Beloved-Reborn
YouTube Video
Supplies used:
Shawn Petite Stencil – Fave Words 2 (12 x 16) –×16-p223040086#a_aid=Cara_Renee&a_bid=e3c73ee1
Shawn Petite Stencil – Vintage Crosses –
Rice Paper –
Tim Holtz Stencil – Splatters –
Ranger Archival Ink – Jet Black – see Basic Mixed Media supply list below
Pitt Pens –
Golden Glazing Medium – see Basic Mixed Media supplies below
Liquitex – Heavy Gesso & Matte Medium – see Basic Mixed Media supplies below
Golden Fluid Acrylics – Raw Umber, Transparent Red Iron Oxide & Titan Buff – see Basic Mixed Media supplies below
Golden Acrylic – Sap Green Hue –
Rembrandt Soft Pastel – Black – see Basic Mixed Media supplies below
List of basic mixed media supplies:
TCW Light & Fluffy Modeling Paste –
Shoresua Script Stamp-
Golden High Flow Acrylic – Transparent Yellow Oxide –
Liquitex Matte Medium-
Liquitex Glazing Medium-
Liquitex Heavy Gesso-
Penny Black Script Stamp-
Shawn Petite Stencils-
Decoart Crackle Paint –
Rembrandt Soft Pastel – Black – Golden Fluid Acrylics –