Sunday’s ART of Truth – Freedom – 1-03-21
Hello Friends, welcome to 2021! This is my first video and blog post for the new year. I am praying that 2021 brings health and many blessings for you and those you love!
This piece was full of emotion and passion for me. I loved how it came together with layer and layers of media, the story under the surface. The layers contain words about our constitution, freedom, liberty & our flag, and so on. I used crackle glaze because I wanted to bring about an effect that represented the tattered-ness of our history. The colors are traditional but they took on a whole different meaning for me as I used them in this project.
As I shared in the video, I am very private about my political views. I speak only to my husband about these things. Until this year, I have been fairly apathetic to politics, in general. This year was different from the time I got my ballot, through the voting and initial election results. It continues even today.
This blog post and art piece are not about any political party. They are not about Trump or Biden. They are not about Republican or Democrat parties. They are not about ‘being’ Blue or Red.
However, it is about America. It represents so much history and lives lost fighting for our freedom. It is about families and stories. It is also about differences. It is about love and respect. It is about unity, not division. It is about the simple things in life as well as the complexities. It is about men and women who lost their lives so that we would have the freedoms that we enjoy. It is about being people and not parties. It is about sharing the human experience. For me, it is also about waking up to the reality of the freedom that I enjoy but have taken for granted. I have personal history that has kept me far away from issues of government but, I woke up this year. I have come to realize how lazy I have been in remaining informed about many things that matter outside of my little world. I have a new found gratitude for my constitutional right, privilege and responsibility when it comes to voting. We live in a free country and I feel honored.
I am so grateful to be alive. To live in America. I am grateful to have a voice, or found it, rather. I don’t think I can be silent again. This freedom that we have in the USA is not guaranteed and it is constantly under assault. I must stand up. I must stay educated. I must stay thankful for what we have here in our beautiful America.
I hope that you enjoyed the video and the result 😊
YouTube Video –
Supplies used: Decoart Crackle Glaze –
Decoart Americana Craft Paint – Alizarin Crimson, Navy Blue & Golden Straw –
Shawn Petite Stencil – Vintage Crosses –
Shawn Petite Stencil – Numbers Jumbled –
Shawn Petite Stencil – Geometric Flowers –
Liquitex Gesso, Heavy Gel & Matte Medium – see Basic Mixed Media supplies list below
Ranger Black Archival Ink – see Basic Mixed Media supplies list below
Various Patriotic scrapbook papers from my stash
Golden Fluid Acrylic – Raw Umber – see Basic Mixed Media supplies list below
Wood stars from my stash
List of Basic Mixed Media Supplies:
TCW Light & Fluffy Modeling Paste –
Shoresua Script Stamp-
Golden High Flow Acrylic – Transparent Yellow Oxide –
Liquitex Matte Medium-
Liquitex Glazing Medium-
Liquitex Heavy Gesso-
Penny Black Script Stamp-
Shawn Petite Stencils-
Decoart Crackle Paint –
Rembrandt Soft Pastel – Black –
Golden Fluid Acrylics –