Hello friends, welcome to my Sunday’s ART of Truth.
I have been thinking a lot lately about how life changes us. We move from one version of ourselves to another. Often, that comes by means that we would prefer not to go through. We have good times and bad times, commitment and betrayal, we savor our wins and curse our losses. We wonder, oftentimes, where did it all go wrong? How did we get here? What is the cost? What is next?
I have lived in many dark times in my life. Wondering how I would survive. What would be left of me? And, who will I be once I have survived?
A wise man once told me that if we close ourselves off to all the pain and the hurt, we also close ourselves off to healing and love. It’s kind of all or nothing. I didn’t understand it for the better part of 30 years. Now, I do.
God created us for relationship. Relationship with Him and others. We are broken in relationship, so we must heal in relationship. I spent a lot of time trying so hard not be me. To not have needs. To not want anything and to hope for nothing. I spent my life reinventing myself through dissociation and avoidance. I thought it would be safer to heal alone, especially when it was hard for those I loved to understand. So, I would cocoon myself. I would work feverishly to rebuild the walls that kept me ‘safe’. However, what I needed was people. A place to be real and to heal.
Just as the butterfly, we outgrow the cocoon, don’t we?
Metamorphosis: a change of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely different one, by nature or supernatural means.
The process of a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis is called eclosion. This process softens the chrysalis and triggers the central nervous system to begin the process of emerging. The butterfly crawls the rest of the way out. It hangs upside down for a bit. Its wings appear folded or wrinkled. They must work hard to expand them and dry out their wings before they can fly. I got this information from an article on Reiman Gardens at Iowa State University.
I think we are very much like the butterfly in its various stages. In the end, it is within our power and choice to push through the chrysalis of hardened life, of pain and regret. It is within our power to explode into the beautiful one we were created to me.
It is beyond hard. It is at times impossible, it seems.
My friends, I want to encourage you to push through, break through & fight through whatever is keeping you from flying.
“Be brave enough to heal yourself, even when it hurts” & know that “I am changing” is the truth for you. Embrace where you are. Embrace all that is there. And when you heart speaks to you, move. Stand up. Stretch your wings. Fly.
I hope that you are encouraged. I hope that you find a safe place to land so that you can heal and continue to grow and change into the masterpiece you were created to be.
Beloved- Reborn
Collage Packs – Shawnpetite.com
Shawn Petite Stencil – Vintage Quatrefoil – 8 X 10 – https://shop.shawnpetite.com/Vintage-Quatrefoil-stencil-8×10-p66291896
Door – Shawnpetite.com – https://shop.shawnpetite.com/Old-Door-collage-pak-instant-download-7-pages-p338543379
Jet Black Archival Ink – See list of basic supplies below
Golden Fluid Acrylics – Raw Umber & Quinacridone Nickle Azo Gold – See list of basic supplies below
Liquitex Gesso, Fluid Matte Medium – See list of basic supplies below
Golden Glazing Medium – See list of basic supplies below
Fussy Cut Butterflies – Arty Maze Etsy – https://www.etsy.com/listing/945226794/butterflies-ephemera-large-small
List of basic mixed media supplies:
TCW Light & Fluffy Modeling Paste – https://www.amazon.com/s?k=light+and+fluffy+modeling+paste&crid=3PFDSLJUPLGOO&sprefix=light+and+flu%2Caps%2C272&ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_13
Shoresua Script Stamp- https://www.amazon.com/Shoresua-Transparent-Silicone-Scrapbooking-Embossing/dp/B07PGN3MR3/ref=sr_1_77?dchild=1&keywords=bo+bunny+stamps&qid=1601231832&sr=8-77
Golden High Flow Acrylic – Transparent Yellow Oxide – https://www.amazon.com/s?k=goldenhigh+flow+acrylics&ref=nb_sb_noss_2
Liquitex Matte Medium- https://www.amazon.com/Liquitex-Professional-Matte-Medium-8-Ounce/dp/B000IYWYNE/ref=sr_1_1?crid=74CDOKRUL040&dchild=1&keywords=liquitex+matte+medium&qid=1586229506&sprefix=liquitex+ma%2Caps%2C291&sr=8-1
Liquitex Glazing Medium- https://www.amazon.com/Golden-Multi-Purpose-Acrylic-Polymer-GAC-100/dp/B001YJPX58/ref=sr_1_46?dchild=1&keywords=golden+glazing+medium&qid=1586230065&sr=8-46
Liquitex Heavy Gesso- https://www.amazon.com/Liquitex-Professional-Super-Surface-Medium/dp/B001UNREO6/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=liquitex+heavy+gesso&qid=1586229647&sr=8-1
Penny Black Script Stamp- https://www.amazon.com/Penny-Black-Script-Unmounted-40-470/dp/B01HNO5R08/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Penny+Black+script+stamp&qid=1586229678&sr=8-1
Shawn Petite Stencils- https://shop.shawnpetite.com/Stencils-c14287046
Decoart Crackle Paint – https://www.amazon.com/s?k=decoart+crackle+paint&ref=nb_sb_noss_2
Rembrandt Soft Pastel – Black – https://www.amazon.com/s?k=rembrandt+soft+pastel+black&ref=nb_sb_noss
Golden Fluid Acrylics – https://www.amazon.com/s?k=golden+fluid+acrylics&crid=1140N398O4PP1&sprefix=golden+fluid+%2Caps%2C520&ref=nb_sb_ss_ac-a-p_1_13
Website- http://Brebornart.com
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/BelovedReborn65
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/breborn_art_healing/