Sunday’s ART of Truth – “Be Your Own Hero” 7-11-21

Hello Friends,

This is my Sunday’s ART of Truth entitled “Be Your Own Hero”.

This past week, I bumped into the anniversary of my birth father’s death. It kind of took me by surprise. I have been processing that on a deep level all week. I called him Daddy. I have always called him my hero. Truth is, he wasn’t my hero. He didn’t rescue me. In my still, child like idea of ‘hero’, I wanted to believe that he would be my rescuer. That he would pick me. That he would do anything for me. That he would cross the ocean to love me. Unfortunately, that was not the case. He didn’t rescue. He didn’t even cross a bridge to be with me or love me. I forgive him for his limitations and for his humanity. However, what lingers is that longing that feels like only a daddy can fill. He was not a hero, he couldn’t be. He was a man, a mere mortal. Those beliefs are born from a child’s perspective. As an adult and healed, I know that no-one can do those things or fill those things. He was imperfect and beautiful. I miss him.

So, I think I have always believed that the main attribute of a hero is rescuer, lover, brave knight & fearless fighter. Hold onto that thought, I am going to come back to it 😊

Typically, when I sit down to write, I like to look of the definitions of words that I am holding in my heart. So, I looked up the meaning of hero. This is what I found.

Definition of hero

 (Entry 1 of 3)

1a : a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability

b : an illustrious warrior

c : a person admired for achievements and noble qualities

d : one who shows great courage

It didn’t fit my use of the word at all.

Yet, my searching for human hero’s of the male species did not cure me or heal me. For a time, it feels good, like salve to a gaping open wound.

In reality, who can hold up to that? Who can fulfill that over time? I dare say, no one.

I had 3 fathers.

I married an amazing man. He has stood with me for 38 years of marriage. He has been with me for 41!

I have encountered many men in my lifetime who were good and loving people.

While, some show great courage, possess noble qualities and are admired for their achievements, that is not what is/was needed.

I have sought after and longed for the rescue. The undying, unbroken, untarnished love & acceptance. I have waited and watched and looked.

It occurred to me as I was creating this piece and processing through my daddy’s death, 10 years later, that I have been looking in all the wrong places.

I wondered…

Why can’t we be our own heros?

We know what we need.

We do the work.

We are strong.

We possess courage, strength & resilience.

We survived.

We are warriors.

We are enough.

The people, the amazing men that God brings into our lives are like the cherry on top of the ice cream sundae. They are the good stuff on top. However, they are not within us. They are human, failing and imperfect.

Something clicked deep inside me.

I am my own hero. That is not to diminish my love for Jesus and my need for him. However, on this earthly plain when the hole is screaming, we can meet our own needs. We can stand with courage. We can be warriors. We can advocate for what we need. We must.

Ladies, this means, we stand up. We let our voices me heard. We do this with honor, respect & grace.

I want to love my life and the people in it without taking hostages. We hold others hostage when we expect them to be for us what we can learn to be for ourselves.

In closing – Words from what I wrote above – “So, I think I have always believed that the main attribute of a hero is rescuer, lover, brave knight & fearless fighter.” I am my own rescuer. I am a fierce lover. I am brave. I am fearless in Jesus. I am most certainly, a fighter!

What about you, my friends? Do you have a hole that seems bottomless? Do you long for someone to scoop you up and rescue you?

My encouragement…wrap your arms around yourself. Breathe in the truth of who you are. Breathe in love and acceptance. Look in the mirror. What do you see? I see a hero, rescuer, lover, brave one & fearless fighter.

My friends, be your own hero. It is so much better than the fairy tale 😊


Beloved – Reborn

Supplies used:

8 X 10 Gessoed Wood Panel –

Vintage Girl Digital – My Digital Files – Etsy –

Shawn Petite Lace Stencil –×10-p93470971

DecoArt Crackle Glaze –

Golden Fluid Acrylics – Raw Umber & Maganese Blue Hue – See Basic Mixed Media Supplies list below

Golden Glazing Medium – See Basic Mixed Media Supplies list below

Liquitex Fluid Matte Medium – See Basic Mixed Media Supplies list below

Paper Scraps for collaging – use what you have

Liquitex Heavy Body Acrylic – Turner Yellow –

Ranger Jet Black Archival Ink – See Basic Mixed Media Supplies list below

List of basic mixed media supplies:

TCW Light & Fluffy Modeling Paste –

Shoresua Script Stamp-

Golden High Flow Acrylic – Transparent Yellow Oxide –

Liquitex Matte Medium-

Liquitex Glazing Medium-

Liquitex Gesso-

Liquitex Heavy Gesso-

Penny Black Script Stamp-

Shawn Petite Stencils-

Ranger Archival Ink-

Makeup Brushes-

Decoart Crackle Paint –

Rembrandt Soft Pastel – Black –

Golden Fluid Acrylics –




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