Video – Sunday’s ART of Truth – Construction & Signatures – “I AM” Grateful Journal

Video –

Hello friends,

Welcome to Sunday’s ART of Truth. I wanted to take an opportunity to talk with you a little bit about the inspiration behind this journal. As I have mentioned before, this is a journal I am making for me. I bumped into a gratitude journal about a year ago in storage that had never been written in. It was given to me as a chapter in my healing journey ended with a therapist and another began. When I discovered this journal, I felt surprise and dismay that I never found a place in my heart and spirit to be able to write down my gratitude.

As I have grown and my heart continues to heal, I have come to the realization that my heart needs to turn towards gratitude. As a young survivor of prolonged and severe abuse as a child and young adult, there wasn’t any space for gratitude. Life was about surviving, all surviving…

As I have mentioned before, I have been listening to audio books by Brene’ Brown. She sure is a spitfire but I love her! I love how real she is and how transparent she is about her own growth in these areas.

It takes practice and intention to change old habits of seeing the glass as half empty, rather than being grateful that I have a glass to be refilled. It is easy to complain about the things that go sideways in my life and forget all the blessings that I have. I find I am moving in that direction though 😊

There are seasons that are more difficult for me than other times. You know, history and such. Releasing the associations to seasons and dates is a long process. It takes an act of intentionality. I have been moving in this direction for some time, but still struggle. When I found that journal, it kind of jolted me back into the reality of the need for purposeful gratitude.

Not ‘under my breath’ gratitude or circumstantial gratitude, but the act of purposing to live in a place of abundance rather than lack.

Gratitude that a dear friend diagnosed with a brain tumor has someone close by to care for her and see to her needs through this process. Gratitude that, even though my daughter is going through a hell of a hard time, she is strong and beautiful and she is a survivor. She will be ok. Gratitude that when I come home at the end of the day, I can look forward to my husband walking in the door and sharing a meal and conversation with him. Gratitude that I have a job that I love and that I make a difference.

I want to see and stand in awe of the beautiful colors of fall in their brilliant gold, yellow and red tones. I want to enjoy feeling the crisp air without thinking about the past. I want to find the treasures in cold and rainy days, and puzzles and soft music. I want to soak it up, not rush through it in an effort to ‘get past the season’. I want every minute that there is to have!

My friends, I want to encourage you…

Give yourself permission to shut down the computer, turn off the phone, grab a cup of tea and just soak in the goodness that is life. The ‘to do’ list isn’t going anywhere.

We all have seasons that are painful and difficult beyond measure. In those places, please be gentle with yourself. Find things that comfort you. Soak up the things that fill your glass.

Sometimes our glasses feel like they will overflow.

Sometimes, they feel as though they only have drips in the bottom.

I am grateful I have a glass (a life) to fill 😊

I hope you are encouraged my friends,

You are NOT alone. I see you. You are loved.



Supply list under photos!

Supplies used:

Digital Kit – Almost Autumn – My Porch Prints Etsy –

Fabric Cover –

Lace and bits of paper from my scrap bin

Junk Journal Basic Supplies List –

Crop-A-Dile –

Eyelets –

FabriTac Glue –

Art Glitter Glue –

Ranger Archival Ink – Vintage Photo – They no longer make the pad so I bought the reinker and a DIY ink pad –


6 thoughts on “Video – Sunday’s ART of Truth – Construction & Signatures – “I AM” Grateful Journal

  1. Eva Gorecki says:

    Yes, your words are encouraging. It’s a beautiful post. Gratitude is always a good place to start or to continue on a journey of healing. You are a kind soul.

  2. Sharon says:

    Such a good sharing! Deep and real and truthful. It has to be a purposeful step taking journey to healing! Renewing the mind with truths that can’t be seen in the midst of our pain. Now we “get” to see them, feel them, enjoy them, wrap ourselves around with them! Thank you CR! Much love!

  3. Lynn QV says:

    I admire your strength and courage to share this deeply personal step in your journey, Cara-Renee! It’s a beautiful testament to creating a new and fulfilling life out of pain and burden. And, you inspire through your gorgeous art! 💛💙💛
    Gentle hugs, my friend!
    Lynn QV

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