Video – Sunday’s ART of Truth – The Gift – 11-5-21

Video –

Welcome to Sunday’s ART of Truth. Today, I wanted to share the inspiration for this piece. This is the first of three projects in the series for December. The first is The Gift, the second is The Hope, and the third is, The Promise.

The beginning…It started with a man and a woman. They were in love and planned to be married. Astonishing news. The angel visited. Mary was with child. Oh, the scandal. How could this sweet, young, and beautiful woman be with child as she had never been with a man. Mary had faith. She believed. Joseph, he was a good man.

Their walk of faith began that day. The gift, the hope and the promise set in motion.

What was the gift? The promise of a Savior. He would be called Jesus and He would save the people from their sins. He would come to love and heal. He would touch the world as no one else could or ever would.

The gift started in a small package in the womb of a teenage girl.

I recognize this story. I have felt agony and deep grief as one who experienced the start and end of life of a small one as a teenage girl.

The gift grew to be mighty to save. He grew up meek and humble.

Who would have thought the miracle of a baby would bring promise to the world?

I did. I have believed for as long as I can remember. I invited Jesus to be my everything when I was 8 years old. On the cold linoleum floor in a Sunday School classroom, I came face to face with who He was. I knew in an instant how much He loved me. I learned early that He would give me what I needed to get through the treachery of all the coming years and He would be with me as I journeyed through 32 years of healing work.

He was, and is, my HOPE. All of it. Every morsel. As I walked out my healing journey, I was often enraged by what happened to me and why He didn’t stop it. I screamed at the top of my lungs at times. Where are you??? Where were you? As I healed, I went back to those memories and events and The Gift, Jesus, showed me His heart. He gave me pictures of where He was with me during all those times. Holding me as I clutched my child. Beside me when I was powerless in this earthly dimension. He cried, He grieved, and He felt intense anger. As He does for every child who is being treated as anything less than precious. When I was alone, He was there. He held every memory so that when I was ready, I would go back and revisit them. He would pour in the truth of His heart for me and what He wanted to do in my life.

Did I see it as a miracle all those years? No, I did not. I was in immense pain and completely lost in it.

But now, The Gift, Jesus, is my best friend. I talk with Him and I walk with Him. I love Him as much as I humanly can. It is meager in comparison, but I give all.

He sent my husband to rescue me when I was a mere 15 years old. He had a plan, and oh, how beautiful it was. The plan cost us dearly, but I believed, and I walked. I fought and I never gave up.

This is the first Christmas in my life where I can fully rejoice in the season and embrace fully, His story and my own. I am eternally grateful for The Gift, The Hope and The Promise. Thankyou Mary, for your heart and for carrying Jesus in your young womb so that we could know Him in relationship one day. Thankyou Joseph, for guarding Mary, her health, and her body. Thankyou to the unknown stable owners who gave Jesus a place to be born, so that He could be the light of the world. Thankyou Jesus for coming in such a small package to redeem our stories. To cause us to fall in love with you and know your love.

My friends, I write this with tears running down my face and on the inside of my heart. So much pain and loss, but so much redemption. I have never shared in this way publicly. Gently, I share this story and understand that not all believe as I do, and I respect that. I can only write and share from my path and my story. I would not be here if it wasn’t for Jesus. I would be either dead, irrevocably broken or still in places of abuse and pain.

What I know is that love does conquer all. Love is the difference. To be loved wholly is the greatest gift we can ever give or receive.

My prayer for you is that you experience deep love and great healing in your life. If my story encourages you, all thanks to Jesus. If my story stirs up yours, I send gentleness and courage. If you are alone in your world, I pray for peace and someone to intersect your road and show you just how lovely you are 😊

Be blessed. Know that you are so loved and you are not alone.

Until next time,

Beloved – Reborn

Supplies used:

Image from Pixabay –

Dreamweaver Translucent Embossing paste – unable to locate but any translucent paste would do

Golden Glazing Medium – See Basic Mixed Media Supply List below

Liquitex Gesso, Fluid Matte Medium & Matte Gel – See Basic Mixed Media Supply List below

DecoArt Crackle Paint – See Basic Mixed Media Supply List below

Vintage Photo Archival Ink – See Basic Mixed Media Supply List below

Golden Fluid Acrylic – Raw Umber – See Basic Mixed Media Supply List below

Shawn Petite Stencil – Mediterranean Mini –×10-p155120109

Golden Fluid Acrylic – Iridescent Gold Fine – See Basic Mixed Media Supply List below

DecoArt Americana Paint – Hauser Green Light –

Lace and paper scraps from my stash 😊

You are Resilient Paper  – Shawn Petite Collage Pack – I am unable to locate which collage pack it is in but that is the name on the file ‘You are resilient’.

List of basic mixed media supplies:

TCW Light & Fluffy Modeling Paste –

Shoresua Script Stamp-

Golden High Flow Acrylic – Transparent Yellow Oxide –

Liquitex Matte Medium-

Liquitex Glazing Medium-

Liquitex Gesso-

Liquitex Heavy Gesso-

Penny Black Script Stamp-

Shawn Petite Stencils-

Ranger Archival Ink-

Makeup Brushes-

Decoart Crackle Paint –

Rembrandt Soft Pastel – Black –

Golden Fluid Acrylics –

Junk Journal Basic Supplies List –

Crop-A-Dile –

Eyelets –

FabriTac Glue –

Art Glitter Glue –

Ranger Archival Ink – Vintage Photo – They no longer make the pad so I bought the re-inker and a DIY ink pad –


Supply list under photos!

Supplies used:

Image from Pixabay –

Dreamweaver Translucent Embossing paste – unable to locate but any translucent paste would do

Golden Glazing Medium – See Basic Mixed Media Supply List below

Liquitex Gesso, Fluid Matte Medium & Matte Gel – See Basic Mixed Media Supply List below

DecoArt Crackle Paint – See Basic Mixed Media Supply List below

Vintage Photo Archival Ink – See Basic Mixed Media Supply List below

Golden Fluid Acrylic – Raw Umber – See Basic Mixed Media Supply List below

Shawn Petite Stencil – Mediterranean Mini –×10-p155120109

Golden Fluid Acrylic – Iridescent Gold Fine – See Basic Mixed Media Supply List below

DecoArt Americana Paint – Hauser Green Light –

Lace and paper scraps from my stash 😊

You are Resilient Paper  – Shawn Petite Collage Pack – I am unable to locate which collage pack it is in but that is the name on the file ‘You are resilient’.

List of basic mixed media supplies:

TCW Light & Fluffy Modeling Paste –

Shoresua Script Stamp-

Golden High Flow Acrylic – Transparent Yellow Oxide –

Liquitex Matte Medium-

Liquitex Glazing Medium-

Liquitex Gesso-

Liquitex Heavy Gesso-

Penny Black Script Stamp-

Shawn Petite Stencils-

Ranger Archival Ink-

Makeup Brushes-

Decoart Crackle Paint –

Rembrandt Soft Pastel – Black –

Golden Fluid Acrylics –

Junk Journal Basic Supplies List –

Crop-A-Dile –

Eyelets –

FabriTac Glue –

Art Glitter Glue –

Ranger Archival Ink – Vintage Photo – They no longer make the pad so I bought the reinker and a DIY ink pad –


2 thoughts on “Video – Sunday’s ART of Truth – The Gift – 11-5-21

  1. Eva Gorecki says:

    What a beautiful message. Thank you for sharing part of your life’s journey with us. Even though it has brought tears to me as well, I am happy you are in a place now where you can fully celebrate the Season of Christmas. Your message is powerful. Your prayers are beautiful. You have shown a piece of your heart and soul to us. I am truly touched by it. Blessings to you dear friend.

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