Video –
Hello friends,
Welcome to Sunday’s ART of Truth. It is funny how inspiration comes to us sometimes. Several days ago, I knew I was supposed to create around the idea of ‘new beginnings.’ I had no idea why or what I was going to do. In a conversation with my older sister the night before creating this, I learned why I was supposed to create around that idea.
I will preface this with saying that some of the things I am going to share are sensitive and a bit deep, so please take care of yourselves.
As I mentioned several times in the past few months, I have reunited with my sister after 30ish years of no relationship. I walked away from my family of origin 32 years ago. My husband and I made that decision together and knew it was the right one for our family. It provided a safe place and space for me to do my healing work as well enable us to protect our children. To break the cycle.
Often, abuse is passed on from generation to generation because the cycle of abuse and dysfunction is not challenged and stopped. 32 years ago, we stopped it. We, meaning us and God. The grace of God brought us through.
We have discussed this many times, and both agree that it was necessary, and we would do it all over again. So, in that respect, I am not ashamed or sorry. On this side of healing, however; it grieves me that people were hurt. I wonder if that is why it is called breaking the cycle. It hurts. It breaks. If it was easy and painless to do, more folks would choose it. It is anything but easy and it is full of pain for all involved.
In these 32 years, by the grace and love of God, I have found my healing. My person isn’t locked up in tiny places in history anymore. I can make informed and healing decisions. I can hold love and the truth of my life in one place. I can sit with it. I am not afraid of it. I don’t have to broadcast it. I don’t have to be believed. I know my story and the knowing of it, has healed me.
I will be seeing my mom after 32 years of no relationship. I don’t know when yet, but it is happening. I was talking to my husband prior to my chat with my sister. He is a wise and loving man. He told me I overthink things and to trust myself. To have faith. We don’t know what healing God wants to bring to others who are a part of this story. However, this is scary. This is bold and unconventional. Then I chatted with my sister and it dawned on me why Jesus had placed the topic, New Beginnings on my heart. It is called new for a reason.
It is like the new day we get every day. It is like a blank canvas that we get to paint upon. We get to choose to walk through a new door, or perhaps, a door that has been nailed and painted shut, from the inside. We get to walk in new places when we own our stories. When we feel safe enough to open that door.
Brene’ Brown says, “When we own our stories, we get to write the ending”. Yes. We do.
I don’t know what will happen or when, but I am trusting and believing.
The truth- I am not the prodigal daughter coming home and confessing to her waywardness. I am not the child hungry for my parent. I am a grown-up-healed-beautiful-intelligent-sensitive woman. I am a warrior.
I can love. I am healing.
My friends, I know that was a lot, but this is what I was supposed to write about and share with you. To share our lived experiences in a real way heals one another. Your story may be different than mine. Your circumstances aren’t mine. But…our hearts are the same.
We fight. We long. We love. We yearn for freedom. We want wholeness. We want to feel safe. We want to be loved.
My dear friends, no matter what your circumstances are…you are loved.
You are brave. You can heal. You can use your voice. You can stand up. You deserve wholeness and joy.
You are worthy. You are strong. You are beautiful. You are a fighter, a warrior extraordinaire.
Speak your truth. Believe. Hope. No matter what is on your side of the painted shut door, it can be healed.
Until next time,
Supply list under photos!

Supplies used:
Liquitex White Gesso & Fluid Matte Medium – See Basic Mixed Media Supply list below
Stampendous Stamp – Vintage Letter –
Ranger Archival Ink – Jet Black – See Basic Mixed Media Supply list below
The Crafters Workshop Modeling Paste –
Shawn Petite Stencil – Layered Up Alphabet –×10-p444193305
Shawn Petite Stencil – Spring Words –×10-p175656168
Distress Crackle Paint –
The Crafters Workshop – Wisteria Stencil (6 x 6) –
Liquitex Heavy Body Acrylics – Turner Yellow, Turquoise Deep, Dioxazine Purple & Brilliant Purple –
Golden Fluid Acrylics – Raw Umber & Iridescent Gold Fine – See Basic Mixed Media Supply list below
List of basic mixed media supplies:
TCW Light & Fluffy Modeling Paste –
Shoresua Script Stamp-
Golden High Flow Acrylic – Transparent Yellow Oxide –
Liquitex Matte Medium-
Liquitex Glazing Medium-
Liquitex Heavy Gesso-
Penny Black Script Stamp-
Shawn Petite Stencils-
Decoart Crackle Paint –
Rembrandt Soft Pastel – Black –
Golden Fluid Acrylics –
Junk Journal Basic Supplies List –
FabriTac Glue –
Art Glitter Glue –
Ranger Archival Ink – Vintage Photo – They no longer make the pad so I bought the reinker and a DIY ink pad –
Your truth is a beautiful statement. My husband and I decided to break the cycle when our son’s were born. We stepped back but did not entirely cut ties. Over the years I struggled with the idea of you must honor your father and mother. And kept going back and trying but for the most part always getting hurt. It took years to finally understand and accept I would never get what I needed from them. It was a hard truth but made it easier. They are gone now and thoughts of things in the past can still hurt but I choose to accept it and not dwell on it. Your words are very real to me. Prayers for you as you work through all of this. Healing is an ongoing process. 💛
Thank you Evie for your thoughts and sharing on this difficult subject. It takes courage to break the cycle, especially when it means losing all family. I would do it again though because my kids are good, healthy, strong and beautiful people who didn’t get exposed to the things I did.
I too struggled with honor they father and mother, but honor, safety and respect go both ways. I recognize that not all pursue what ever it takes to break the cycles. It makes me sad that my family didn’t. Some are now, but much time has passed. I believe very much im “for such a time as this”, we move from place to place and stage to stage in ways that fit for us. Healing and relationship are so personal in nature.
I am grateful that as the years go by, the sorrows and memories are softer and they don’t sting anymore.
Again my friend, thank you for your sharing 💛
I so look forward to your Sunday’s Art of Truth videos, you have a story of life and you work through it through your beautiful art. The pianist at our church plays with so much feeling it comes alive and I feel it too, the same with your art. What you say with texture and color comes alive and expresses itself so well that it can be felt. So many people could benefit working through the messes that life leaves behind and you have found a beautiful way to do just that. Thank you so much for sharing this with us!
Oh Lynne, this brings a smile and tears to my eyes to hear. Thank you so much. I feel so blessed!