Video – Sunday’s ART of Truth – “Seasons come, seasons go…” – 10-23-22

Video –

Hello friends, welcome to Sunday’s ART of Truth. Today, we are working on the cover for the Second prize for the 2000 subscriber giveaway. It is this sweet 2 signature journal made from a recycled Amazon bag. A little gelli printing and a lot of texture. I love how this turned out today.

I was thinking about Autumn and the colors that make it so rich and beautiful. Fall is my least favorite seasons. However, as I continue to heal and reframe the season, it has caused me to think a lot about the value of seasons. Not only the seasons of Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter, but also the seasons of our lives.

We need seasons, don’t we? They teach us about embracing and letting go. They inspire us and challenge us. I have found that they test our endurance and cause us to reflect. They cause us to slow down and be in the moments of our lives.

Some seasons are full of light, love, beauty, and peace. Others are dark and difficult, aren’t they?

Some, we can scarcely believe they will ever end. We doubt if we can survive them.

Others test our truth, tenacity, and authenticity.

They certainly can test our faith.

However, we need all the seasons of our lives, both literal and in our ever-evolving human experience. If we didn’t have Winter, perhaps, we wouldn’t appreciate the warmth of the sunshine. If we didn’t have Spring, how would we know that something better is coming? Autumn is full of change. Letting go. Breathing in. Releasing dead things. It prepares us for the cleansing cold and pure whiteness that Winter brings. Winter shows us that all things are made brand new. The snow comes and covers up the grime. We enter a Winter Wonderland of magic and childlike wonder.

I think about how similar that is to our human experience. Just as the seasons encourage us to throw off old things and embrace new and beautiful things, the lives of our hearts and relationships do the same.

We have seasons that fill our buckets and seasons that take us to the brink of survival. Seasons that cause us to rejoice and fill our eyes with tears. It is my deep held belief that each of these things are necessary for our growth.

I know, from experience, that the dark times do not feel survivable. They feel impossible. They can even feel like a punishment. However, they are not. I believe that our lives teach us to build strength upon strength. One experience is the teacher for another. If we are able to hear what they are teaching us.

In hard and dark times, I learned that I am strong. In the worst nightmarish chapters of my life, I was a survivor. In hopeful times, I learned gratitude. In times of loss, I learned I can guide my heart to healing places.

Seasons of relationship change is one of the hardest. Often the components of it are beyond our control in terms of outcome. I hope that in those seasons, I learn to have more grace. I yearn to go to a place of love in all the hardest bits.

Lessons about letting go are huge, as I reflected in my Sunday’s ART of Truth last Sunday. I think it is in the letting of the seasons, no matter what they are is where the healing comes. When we no longer have a vice grip of control over those things that we have no control over, peace washes over and growth happens.

In this project, I found myself so drawn to the layers. Each one touching a different part of my soul. We are all made of layers aren’t we. We are all cracked and broken in some way. We all need love. We all can choose a healing path for ourselves.

Often there is more to see than meets the eye.

Beneath hatred and dark things resides pain and betrayal.

Beneath posturing lies insecurity.

Beneath detachment is fear of being abandoned.

Beneath secrets…

Freedom is found.

My friends, whatever season you find yourself, know that there is so much more for you. So much to understand, embrace, let go of, celebrate, heal from, and be grateful for. Things to give and receive.

The human experience is a hodgepodge of messiness where the deepest treasures can be found. If we are not afraid of the messiness of the darkness and the unknown.

Beautiful souls, I hope you find peace in your season. I hope you have a friendly soul to walk with you. I hope you discover riches in places that you never thought they could exist. I hope that you know that you are loved. That you are not alone, and that you are beautiful and worthy beyond compare.

You are brave. You can do it.



Supply list under photos!


Golden Fluid Acrylic – Raw Umber –

Golden Fluid Acrylic – Yellow Ochre –

Golden Fluid Acrylic – Transparent Red Iron Oxide –

Liquitex Gesso –  see Basic Mixed Media supply list below

Shawn Petite Stencils –

Texture Plates – Carabelle Studios – this is the only one I could find on Amazon –

Junk Journal Basic Supplies List –

Crop-A-Dile –

Eyelets –

FabriTac Glue –

Art Glitter Glue –

Ranger Archival Ink – Vintage Photo – They no longer make the pad so I bought the reinker and a DIY ink pad –


List of basic mixed media supplies

TCW Light & Fluffy Modeling Paste –

Shoresua Script Stamp-

Golden High Flow Acrylic – Transparent Yellow Oxide –

Liquitex Matte Medium-

Liquitex Glazing Medium-

Liquitex Gesso-

Liquitex Heavy Gesso-

Penny Black Script Stamp-

Shawn Petite Stencils-

Ranger Archival Ink-

Makeup Brushes-

Decoart Crackle Paint –




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