Video –
Hello friends, welcome to Sunday’s ART of Truth.
Today, I am working in my 2023 Mixed Media Art Journal. This spread was so much fun to work through. At times, things don’t go as planned. Translating ideas and pictures that are in our heads can be more challenging than it seems. In this video, I provide suggestions and encouragement about how to work through processes when we are struggling with that translation. The most important part is to not quit. Persevere all the way to the end. You might be surprised. I don’t like everything that I create but I do love the process and the learning. If worse comes to worse and you cannot even bear to look at the project, the magic of mixed media allows you to slap on a coat and gesso and start again.
Now onto the inspiration.
Imagine racing through the end of the day tasks you might have. Imagine making one last stop and seizing a magical opportunity to converse with someone you don’t know. Imagine being completely enraptured by complete strangers.
This happened to me this past week. I had ended a long day of appointments and errands with a trip to Costco, which is my least favorite place to go. I checked out and decided to grab something to eat at the food court. I finished my snack, while thinking about the pace of life and the fight to watch, wait, and not hurry. When I sat down, I noticed an elderly couple enjoying one another’s company over a snack themselves. It tickled my heart. It reminded me of my in-laws. They have both already passed on, but they very much enjoyed their simplistic, daily trips to Costco to have a cup of coffee and/or a hotdog.
I pondered. Do I leave with my purchases or do I follow my heart and greet these beautiful people.
I chose to greet. What a beautiful thirty minutes, 1800 seconds that was!We talked about so many things. They have been married for 60 years. They never had children and have traveled to their hearts content. Tavern owners who didn’t drink. Stout ‘non-religious’ people. Pet lovers. The man was shining. He laughed with confidence and depth that is rare in our current world. They joked with one another with ease and joy right in front of me.
I had been standing up to this point. I finally sat down. We talked about religion, values, priorities, simplicity, and fear of dying. I shared that I live a life of faith and that I am a believer. It just made the conversation more beautiful. I shared how it was a path that comforted and strengthened me. Additionally, it has brought me immense joy and satisfaction. They nodded in respect and appreciation.
There was no need to press anything. We conversed with respect. I commented on how much joy they seemed to have. He was 92, she was 88. Neither looked a day over 80! We talked about the simple things in life and enjoying what we pour our hearts into. I told them that when I saw them sitting there, their joy and contentment were palpable. It was a beautiful picture of the culmination of a life. A life well lived.
I left them with a handshake and hand squeeze, gratitude, and a blessing. As we parted I thanked them for their time, and they thanked me in turn. My final comment was that we often race through our lives and tasks and miss opportunities to chat with strangers. We miss surprises life can bring us when we rush to get the groceries home or move on with our to-do list.
As I walked away, I felt kissed by something magical, and I breathed in deeply.
My friends, I pray that your heart prompts you to openness of magical opportunities. The gifts given and received in that not-so-rushed place are incredible and bucket filling. Maybe, you will plant a seed. Maybe, you will invite someone to unlock their heart…
Be beautiful & blessed,
Supply list under photos!

Shawn Petite Collage Packs – It would not be possible for me to link all the collage papers from Shawn’s website so here is a link to the collage packs on her site –
Liquitex Titanium White Acrylic Ink –
Liquitex Heavy Body Paint – Muted Collection – Pink, Turquoise, & Green –
Ranger Archival Ink – Black –
Paris Stamp – Penny Black –
Liquitex Matte Medium –