Video –
Hello friends, welcome to Sunday’s ART of Truth.Today, I am created on a 12 x 16 gallery depth wood panel. I am using this beautiful rice paper from Stamperia. I have had this image for several years, but now was the perfect time to use it.
I loved this process so much. Though, at points it didn’t go quite the way I planned, in the end it turned out beautiful.
The quote for today’s project is “Within you there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be Yourself”. These words touched me so much.
There is so much in life that pulls at us. At times, it seems unrelenting. Sometimes, it screams at us in an merciless wail. To do more and be more. To accomplish more. To be more like so and so. To be stronger and quieter at the same time. I don’t know about you, but at times, I want to scream.
I want to be me. I never want to stop growing, but I don’t want to lose me in that process. I want to stop apologizing for not being what others think I should be, or what I perceive that they think. I want to walk with courage and confidence in my life. Not only about what I do, but the gifts that I have inside of me.
We all have such beautiful things to share with the world.
What stops us?
What stops you?
I know, for me, I struggle with competing voices that tell me I am too much and not enough at the same time. I tussle constantly with the tapes of old, that repeat lies about who I am.
Do I need to grow? Absolutely.
Do I need to learn to be more patient and more giving? Yes.
Do I need to express more gratitude and less griping? 100%, yes.
But, how to we do that in this screaming world?
How do we do that when we are suffering and worn out?
How do we quiet the voices?
I think it is different for each of us.
I believe that the key is finding what brings you back to your calm center. Is it sitting with a cup of tea with a warm blanket, knees tucked up, cocoon style?
Is it listening to beautiful music or reading a book?
For me, it is usually a deliberate choice to get completely quiet. Turn off the noise. Relax into my body. Feel what is around me. Look inside. Ask myself what do I need? What feels cattywampus? What kind of words am I using to talk to myself?
Are they kind? Often, no.
Are they truthful? Rarely.
Afterall, we don’t usually stand in front of the mirror (as women) and tell ourselves how gorgeous we are. We see the extra chin or the wrinkles. We see the hair that isn’t perfect or the gray shimmering there.
Often, when I look in the mirror, I see tired me.
But, what do we tell ourselves to counter the debilitating and destructive self-criticism?
Do I need to lose weight? Yes. But does that mean I need to agree with the voices and call myself fat? No.
Do I need to be more patient and get more exercise? Yes. Does that mean I am a terrible person who is lazy? No.
When we can find the entry place for getting quiet and entering the stillness and the sanctuary that we are, we can feed ourselves the truth. As I said in the video, we can gorge on the truth. We can feed ourselves lovely words and truths. We can enter in, rest up, and come back with truth and strength and love.
I love how Brene’ Brown talks about Gremlins in her books. The gremlins we live with feed us lies. They are entrapping. They often cause us to feel like we cannot win. The gremlins feed off the yuck that we allow to build up inside of us. They tell us we are too much and not enough. They attack our strengths and stomp on our weaknesses.
Truth puts the gremlins to sleep.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t have time for gremlins. There is beauty to be shared. Love to be experienced. Joy to be spread. There is growth to be had, and adventures to be found.
I would encourage you to find a place to get quiet. Listen to the voices inside of you that tell you things that aren’t true. You have the power and the right to counter those lies with the truth. I know that sometimes, they don’t feel like lies. If you can’t find the truth to counter the lies that you believe, ask a friend or a loved one. So often, people don’t see us the way we see ourselves.
Find what brings you to a place of unrushed peace, and allow yourself to think and just be. Sit with what you know and begin telling yourself the truth about beautiful YOU!
“Within you there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself”.
Be Blessed,
Supply lust under photos!

Rice Paper Image – The shop I purchased it from does not have it anymore. I tired searching other shops but could not locate it. It is called Euridice Romantic Rice Paper.
DecoArt Craft Acrylic – Blush Pink –
Golden Artist Acrylic – Sap Green Hue –
DecoArt Craft Acrylic – Celery –
DecoArt Craft Acrylic – Deep Burgundy –
Golden Artist Acrylic – Yellow Ochre –
Golden Fluid Acrylic – Raw Umber –
Golden Glazing Medium –
Script Stamp – use what you have
Liquitex Flexible Modeling Paste –
Shawn Petite Stencil – Layered Up 4 –×10-p444072817
Shawn Petite Stencil – Moroccan Tile 3 –×10-p202091822
Soho Soft Pastels – Pink and Green (off camera) –
Ranger Archival Ink – Black –
Liquitex Matte Medium –
List of basic mixed media supplies
TCW Light & Fluffy Modeling Paste –
Shoresua Script Stamp-
Golden High Flow Acrylic – Transparent Yellow Oxide –
Liquitex Matte Medium-
Golden Glazing Medium-
Liquitex Heavy Gesso-
Penny Black Script Stamp-
Shawn Petite Stencils-
Decoart Crackle Paint –