Video – Waterfall Tags – INSPIRED by Carol- Ann @ Cajcrafts

Video –

Hello friends,

Today, I am creating a waterfall tag inspired by the lovely Carol-Ann over at Cajcrafts. She has an amazing YouTube channel and is sharing her talent with us! She provides content and projects that are budget friendly and easy to follow. Since she inspired this video, I hope that you will pop over there and give her some love and a big thank you. I will link her video below.

This project was so much fun. A little challenging, but mostly fun. I created a prototype off camera before I started the video and another after I shut the camera off. These tags are low profile enough that they could be tucked into a pocket or clipped into a journal

Carol-Ann’s Video –

I hope you enjoy!


Supplies used:

Digital Kit – Fairy Magic – My Porch Prints Etsy Shop –

Digital Kit – Shabby and Faded Snapshots – Calico Collage –

Digital Kit – Vintage Ladies – Calico Collage –

Art Glitter Glue –

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