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Hello friends, welcome to Sunday’s ART of Truth.
Today, we are creating a simple project. Typically, I focus on messy mixed media for my Sunday’s ART of Truth. This is simply because it takes me to deep places in myself when I get messy with layers.
However, today’s project is mixed media as well, just in a dryer form. I am using this house shaped wood piece to create in. I recently attended a workshop which was hosted by a local Artist friend, Lani Kent from Healing Expressions. I will link her social media below. She is very inspirational and a gifted creator. She called her project Soul Houses. This really resonated with me, and I had great fun creating in this style.
I love the idea of combining paper, tissue, buttons, flowers, and textiles to express a truth that I am discovering in myself.
So today, I am sharing with you the assemblage I created using one of these house forms and a beautiful vintage image. This one is entitled, “She decided to be herself”.
Do you ever find yourself drowning in negative self-talk?
Do you berate yourself verbally or inside about your faults and imperfections?
Do you loathe to get dressed in the morning because nothing fits very well, and your face is a mess, and your day goes downhill from there?
I do. This has been a recent circular cycle I find myself in.
My clothes don’t fit.
My words, opinions, and thoughts ‘feel’ dismissed by others.
I am fatigued and irritable and don’t want to be that way.
I open myself up just to turn around and berate myself to be quiet. Don’t feel, don’t think…just be. That is just one phrase that my gremlins scream at me.
Old messages flood back into my heart and stick like wallpaper to my very gut.
“You talk too much. No one wants your opinion. You think you are an artist, ha ha ha. If you just be quiet, everything will get better.”
I could write a novel on the messages.
However, my soul knows the truth.
I am human. Yes, I am overweight. Yes, I need to get healthy. Yes, I need to keep taking risks. Yes, I need to accept that I am who I am and it’s ok if people don’t like me.
My friends, we are beautiful and brave. We are warriors and princesses. We are fighters and lovers.
We are beautifully flawed. We are organically unique.
We have gifts to share with the world.
Our imperfections are gifts, not only to ourselves, but to those around us.
We don’t learn, grow, and impact others by being perfect. We do that by being ourselves.
She decided to be HERSELF. Yes.
It is decision every day. It is a choice that we make. We can choose to be authentic or a counterfeit.
Authenticity can hurt, yes. It is risky. It is often misunderstood.
But…counterfeit is lonely, empty, and leaves us longing for things that are just outside of our reach because we are afraid.
Everything that that we do is a part of who we are. Everything we touch has impact. Every word that we speak, whether positive or negative has a ripple effect.
There are so many rich colors laced throughout this humanity that we strive to live in. The real gift is in accepting who we are. Coming to terms with our faults, along with our strengths, instead of giving the gremlins time on our stage.
This week’s message is for us all, me as well.
I loved the image of this woman. She looks so pleased with herself. She looks confident and at peace. She looks relaxed and she knows she is beautiful. A beauty that is deeper than the skin. She is resolved. She is comfortable. She knows who she is. She makes a choice every day to be herself. It is worth it.
My friends, I hope that you are encouraged. I hope that you can find that place of peace and safety to be YOU. To be beautiful you. You are lovely, worthy, beautifully human, loved, and important!
I pray that if this resonated with you in any way, that you will be able to find your way to yourself. To that beautiful place in your heart and soul that knows exactly who you are, and where your value lies.
Until next time, my lovelies,
Be Blessed,
Beloved-Reborn (Cara-Renee)
Supply list and links under photos!

I used scraps of paper and lace as well as various other bits from my stash.
The vintage image is Vintage Ladies from Lavender Blu Journals Etsy – Link below –
Social Media Links for Healing Expressions –
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You are so right! We all berate ourselves too much! This project is so inspirational for me! I admire your gift of creating beauty! Where did you find that beautiful girl? Take care lovely! Be good to yourself! 🌺💞
Thank you 💛 here is the link to the lady’s picture –