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Hello friends, welcome to Sunday’s ART of Truth.
Today, we are creating another beautiful backdrop for this sweet girl. Such an easy project using a variety of collage bits from my stash as well as textiles to create that beautiful and mysterious layered look.
I was inspired to create this beauty when I pondered this quote by my friend Lani Kent from Healing Expressions, that says “Breathe with the seasons”.
Sometimes the seasons of our lives are so beyond difficult. Some of them can feel impossible to survive. I have spent much time in that space. It is a waiting place. It is a breathing place. There were days when my mantra was, “Just breathe…I will live, yes”.
In this breathing space we give permission to just be where we are. Sometimes, breathing is the only thing we can do.
As I pondered this beautiful child, I thought about the promise of hope. I thought about the times that I sat in the dark and quiet places, just hanging onto the illusive belief that it was going to be ok. I was reminded that it is okay to not know what to do. It is okay to get lost in a book. It is imperative that are gentle with us. It is okay to stay in your pajamas all day long. It is okay to let go of social expectations and just take care of us. It is okay to be quiet.
Spring is one of my hardest seasons for many personal reasons. Back in the day, I didn’t think I would make it. Breathing didn’t feel like enough. However, I just focused on breathing. I held on for better days. I prayed for the shadows to dissipate so that I could LIVE.
I am living now. I am living fully now. The season still catches me by surprise and brings with it the reminders of the past. So, again, I breathe. I clear my plate. I let go of expectations. I do things that bring me joy.
Now I know that it will pass, and I AM okay. I am not the child anymore. I am a courageous and loving person.
As I mentioned in the video while creating this beautiful Beloved Beauty, I realized that we are all being restored all the time. We are in a constant state of change. Ebbing and flowing into more healed places, growth places, and places of restoration.
Even when things are hard, if we take care to nurture ourselves and breathe, we are restored.
My friends, I hope that you are encouraged.
I pray that I can impart some bit of sisterhood with you in the knowing that you are not alone. You are so valuable. Just look into the eyes of a child and you might catch a glimpse of the Beloved Beauty within you. A you that is hopeful. A you that is empowered to know what you need. A you that is precious beyond all belief. A you that can JUST BREATHE and know that it will be ok. You will be okay.
“Breathe through the season”
Until next time, my lovelies,
Be Blessed,
Beloved-Reborn (Cara-Renee)

I used scraps of paper and lace as well as various other bits from my stash. Other supplies were from the Dollar Tree.
The vintage girl image is from Pixabay –
Quote from Healing Expressions – “Breathe with the seasons”
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