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Hello friends, welcome to Sunday’s ART of Truth.
Hello friends.
Today, I am working on a journal page in one of my art journals. Originally, I wasn’t going to do a Sunday’s ART of Truth this week, but it kept pressing in on me, so, I am showing up in authenticity and raw humanity. Easter is a time that I celebrate, as many others do, the death and resurrection of Jesus. While I celebrate this to my very core, it is also a very triggering season for me, for personal reasons. So, while I am a bit out of sorts, I am so glad that I pressed in and showed up to process through this art journaling page.
I knew I wanted to use this beautiful cross image as my focal point, and I am so pleased with how it turned out. As I have shared in other inspirational art journal pages, the layers mean everything to me. They tell the deeper story of where the creativity takes me if I am willing to take the challenge. Today was no different.
I used various papers from my scrap bin, including the silhouette image of the girl. There is vintage ledger paper which represents the truth that, through the death and resurrection of Jesus, my debt was cancelled. The tally has been wiped away.
I always add music papers to my collage work because, it unceasingly reminds me of the part that music plays, both in our celebrations and our sorrows. While many of the papers do not show up completely in the end, there are bits that show in just the right spots. Subtle text, music, and floral images peek through.
What really resonated with me as I created this page was the absolutely, selfless, and eradicating gift that was given to us on Easter morning. I feel so unworthy. Sometimes, still so stained with the things of the past. Yet, He gave it all for me. For you. For everyone who would accept his gift of love. For me, there are other things that get mixed in with Easter that make it particularly hard. While the power of it has dissipated over the years, it still catches me by surprise, at times.
This page was such a healing thing for me. Getting messy, using color, taking a risk, being vulnerable for my viewers, and showing up were the gifts of today.
It is so hard to describe the feeling of being washed clean over, and over, again from the things of this world and the harms of the past. I cry with remnants of sorrow, while at the same time, I embrace the tears of gratitude.
I am here. I am alive. I am healed/healing. I can love. I can sing. I can cry.
Thank you, Jesus for your unspeakable gift this Easter weekend, and every day. Thank you that you love us enough to set us free. Thank you that the big and the little things of our lives are what you died for. You gave all, so that we could live.
My friends, I can only be transparent about my relationship with Jesus. It is part of who I am. It is the story of where I have been and why I am here. While I know that not all believe as I do- there is truth here for all.
We are all in need. We are all wounded. We all seek healing. We all want to live and love freely.
Embracing our stories. Embracing our faith, in whatever form it takes, is so important.
Allowing ourselves to give and receive love freely is epically healing.
As you live and love, my prayer for you is that you pursue what brings you healing, hope, comfort, strength, and authenticity.
Thank you for allowing me to be as such. I love you all.
You are beautiful. You are courageous. You are warriors. You are influencers. You are strong. You are full of forgiveness. You are gentle and full of love.
Until next time, my lovelies,
Be Blessed,
Beloved-Reborn (Cara-Renee)
Supply list under photos!

Mixed Media Journal – Bachmore Drawing Pad…
Digital – Crosses – Watercolour Lilley –
Liquitex Fluid Matte Medium –
Scrubber Brushes –
Ranger Stencil – While this ia not the exact stencil, here is one that is close –
Liquitex Flexible Modeling Paste –
Liquitex Transparent Raw Umber –
Text Stamp – use what you have
Golden Artist Acrylics – Green Gold, Yellow Ochre, Sapy Green Hue, Titan Buff, and Paynes Gray –
Liquitex Artist Acrylic – Light Blue Violet & Light Pink –
Hi Cara-Renee ☺️ I know you say you were not wanting or planning on doing this piece on Easter, but praise the Lord you heeded the Holy Spirit’s nudging 💕💕 Such a beautiful piece with an extraordinary special meaning 🙏💕
I love music so much because I don’t feel I can express my words justly, but the words to a song come very close.
My Jesus pulled me out of the horrible filthy mud pit that I alone put myself in. One night long ago I cried out in desperation from the depths of my soul. God answered the cry of my soul and lovingly picked me up in His arms and washed me white as snow. The chains were broken ~ Hallelujah!! Very shortly after my knight in shining armor came into my life. My husband was and is a strong Christian man of God that the Lord has so richly blessed me with. Seeing my husband’s personal relationship with Jesus led me to open my heart (all the way!!💕) to all the sweet merciful blessings God has for us that I am honored and forever grateful to have accepted all these years💕💕
He truly is our All in all. Our pasts like to rear their ugly heads from time to time… I claim the blood of Jesus and thank Him for where I am now only by His precious grace 🙏💕💕💕 I am weak, but He is my strong tower… my refuge, my strength, the very breath I breathe. There is so much joy in His presence.
I count you among my blessings from God, Cara-Renee, dear sweet sister in Christ❣️
Much love and big hugs❣️
Deb, I don’t feel I have adequate words to communicate back to you. I am so very grateful that he sees each and every one of us. That he cares so immensely that he never stops pursuing. I thank him that he sent your husband into your life! What an amazing story. Andy yes, yes, yes to everything you said. All praise, honor, and glory belong to him for everything 🙂
Blessings my dear,