Video –
Hello friends,
Today, I wanted to talk to you a little bit about GRACE. I will be sharing truth that came through this piece as I created it.
The Christian definition of grace is this idea of ‘unmerited favor’. However, beyond that, it is something that cannot be earned and is freely given. This concept weaves its way in and through our relationships. We might not call it grace. We might call it acceptance, forgiveness, love, or even the benefit of the doubt. No matter what you call it, the root is the same. It is a gift freely given for the benefit of the one receiving it.
As I think about GRACE as I understand it, I think about all the times, Jesus attended to me. How many times did I feel held, even as a child when I was alone and frightened. I came to know Jesus when I was 8 years old. I will be 59 in a couple of weeks. So, for 51 years, I have consciencely known the presence and grace of God. Even in times, I was angry at him. When I didn’t understand my journey or why I had to walk it, he never stopped abiding with me.
Abide – To dwell, remain, be present, and to be held and kept. Abiding is something we also give and receive each day from the people in our lives in various ways.
I love thinking about how Jesus did that for me. He was the only one who could rescue me, heal me, sustain me, and preserve the innocence I was born with. He did. I got grungy. I got dirty. I had seasons of forgetting the magic. I made hard choices and lost a lot because of that. One thing remained…GRACE.
I loved this photo that I chose after praying about what I could use that would facilitate the inspiration that was bursting in my heart.
Bubbles! Do you love to blow bubbles or see children blow them? I do! I know a child who enjoys it to the bottom of his toes all the way to the top of his head. Pure joy to watch him. It never gets old for him or for me. Innocence on display. Magic floating about. Glee squishing out of every pore and every breath.
So, when I saw this picture, I knew it was the one. The girl in the photo has her suitcase in tow, bubbles are blowing all around her and she has her stuffed bear as company. All the best things. She is innocence. She is unincumbered joy. She is grace on the stage.
In my life, I learned the hard way that no one could fix what was wrong and broken inside of me. Only him. Of course, I had my husband who has been by my side through the darkest moments of my life, for the last 44 years. However, he couldn’t save or heal me. I had to do it. I had to have great courage. I had to pack up my suitcase and trod off on the journey with bravery stuffed inside of it.
Now, I am sharing my faith because that is my frame of reference. It is the only frame of reference that I understand. Jesus walked with me every single day. Even when I didn’t acknowledge his love and his presence, he was there. Always there.
“But…for GRACE”, I wouldn’t be here. I don’t believe I would have chosen life, time and time again. I would have completely lost hope. But, for GRACE, I would not have chosen a husband well. Through GRACE, much of my innocent heart has been restored. I have hope. I see life in things. I see miracles every day. I thrive on kindness and compassion, both given and received.
I blow bubbles because it makes me happy. I love my teddy bear and my husband. I can let of things that are not good for me without guilt of condemnation. Sometimes, it takes a bit, but the truth comes. “But…for GRACE”, I can sit alone in a room and be content. I can create with abandon because I know who holds me. It’s tactile and sweet.
I love how this piece came together. Normally, I end up going very dark in my mixed media. By dark, I mean, grungy and delicious. This time, I felt the urging in my heart to take a risk and stay lighter than normal, and I am thrilled that I did! God has already pressed on my heart about who I need to gift this to. I am so grateful for his provision and guidance.
Be blessed until next time,
I hope you enjoy!

Supplies used –
Digital Image – Bubble Girl – Pixabay – http://Image by <a href=”″>irinapozdeeva</a> from <a href=”″>Pixabay</a>
Font Stencil –
Golden Fluid Acrylics – Raw Umber, & Sap Green Hue –
Liquitex Fluid Matte Medium –
Liquitex Flexible Modeling Paste –
Ranger Archival Ink – Black –
Lindy’s Stamp Gang Spray – Fuzzy Navel Peach – I am not able to locate this exact color. I have had them for years.
Mandala Stencil –
So very thankful you did the hard work Cara-Renee. It isn’t easy to let go and be free, but that’s why Jesus came. So we wouldn’t be enslaved. I love watching you create!
You are a true treasure my friend
Absolutely. I sometimes think of where I would be without him. What would have happened to my children if I hadn’t walked away from my past. I am eternally grateful for his grace, love, deliverance, and gentle touch. I knew him in dark days so tangibly,but was hard for those around me to believe. Thank you my friend ♥️♥️♥️