Video –
Hello friends,
Welcome to Sunday’s ART of Truth for May 2024. Today, I want to walk you through a tutorial on how I made this beautiful “Truth” box. I love how this project turned out. Like many others, it always goes a little off the rails. However, it is exactly what was needed. I love the layers and the rich colors. I love the ocean feel. I love the depth, the crackles and crevices. I love what it says about the human condition. I love that it is a place to put truth.
I decided to make this box for myself to hold the truth tapes that I record. I want a place to dip into when it is hard to think or hard to remember what the truth is.
“I am beautiful”
“I have great worth despite how I feel”
“I am loved”
“I make mistakes, but I am always learning”
“I am a child of God”
“I am irreplaceable”
That is just a start…
My friends, have you had overwhelming/competing thoughts, emotions, and beliefs? I know, I do! Often, these conflict with one another and with the truth. They can cause an emotional spiraling that can be difficult to escape from.
I am in a season of struggle with this right now. My negative tapes have gotten the best of me recently. When the jeans are too tight, and I have an extra roll bulging out of my midsection, I descend into a personal character assassination. Who would have thought that a pair of jeans could cause all of that?
At times, the things that we have experienced in our lives, both past and present can conflict with the TRUTH of who we are. It is difficult to defuse the lies that we hear in our head or those that we allow to come out in our reflection in the mirror.
For me, I know that in order to return to my truth, I must consciously choose to interrupt the tapes which repeat lies to me, and to begin to replace them with the truth.
For instance, “You talk too much…” The truth tape is that I have valid and valuable things to offer in a situation or conversation.
Another example – “Noone wants to hear what I have to say…” The truth tape is that there are many people who find value in my thoughts, knowledge, and insight. I also understand that I am not everyone’s cup of tea.
It can be difficult to replace the negative/untruths that play with the truth. Sometimes, it is useful to ask a trusted friend or family member to help us to remember our truth, or to mirror it, for our discovery.
Another example – “I failed…” The truth tape is that I tried my best and enjoyed the process.
“I am stupid…” – The truth tape is that sometimes I don’t think before I speak.
I have learned that it is a choice we make in our waking hours to raise up the truth and dispel the lies. Sometimes in our journey, there are patches where this is completely impossible. I do know this from personal experience.
Sometimes, my emotions are big and it can be so hard to find the truth. Sometimes, I don’t even want to find it. When this happens to me, I endeavor to get quiet. To wait. To write down my thoughts, or to talk to a safe and trusted person. Usually, that is my husband. Sometimes, another person can help us untangle things.
My friends, it is my hope that you can relate to what I am sharing. It is part of our humanity. It is part of our journey (most of us, I think) I don’t think I have ever met an honest person who didn’t struggle with this. Sometimes, our wounds are deeper than choosing truth over lies and professional support is needed. I encourage that. I did that for over 30 years.
My friends, that being said, I am here to tell you that you are beautiful, loved, smart, creative, of great worth, irreplaceable, and valuable. Most of all – YOU ARE LOVED
Be Blessed,

Supplies used:
Art Alchemy Wax – Honey –
DecoArt Crackle Paint –
DecoArt Crackle Glaze –
Golden Fiber Paste –
Golden Glass Bead Gel –
Golden Fluid Acrylics – Raw Umber, Sap Green Hue, Turquoise (Phthalo) & Nickle Azo Yellow –
Liquitex Fluid Matte Medium –