Video – Sunday’s ART of Truth – “Nobody can tell you your dreams are too big”- June 30, 2024

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Hello friends,

Welcome to Sunday’s ART of Truth for June 2024. Today, we are creating on a small gallery depth canvas. The quote that inspired this project is from the book, Girl, wash your face. In the book Rachel shared this. “Nobody can tell you your dreams are too big”. This one hit the target for me.

I love how art allows us to express emotion and passion. This piece represents this in me.

Have you ever had someone scoff at a dream you shared?

Have you ever felt slapped down by someone who thought that your dream was impossible?

I have, many times. Most recently, I shared with some people in my life that I had one thing on my bucket list and that was to run a race with my grandson. There was a chuckle from someone there. At first it hurt. It stung like being slapped. It was only once I stepped away and processed my own emotions and my being triggered that I was able to stand back up with my dream secure in my hand and heart.

The person who chuckled meant nothing bad. I am sure it was a knee jerk response since I am overweight and not as active as I should be. This person has seen me start and stop A LOT! I know this person’s heart BY heart. You see, we have a deep and wide history.

At first, I felt so devastated. I immediately started with the negative self-talk and became angry. However, over 30 years of therapy did teach me to sit with my feelings and see what they were made of.

In this introspection, I learned a few things.

I break promised to myself all the time, so I was triggered by the response to my own goal.

It doesn’t matter what any other human thinks about what I can or cannot do.

“Nobody can tell you your dreams are too big!”

It doesn’t matter what they think, what anyone thinks.

It is my dream. It may be big and it may be grand, but it is MINE 

After I processed this, I came back to that person and we talked about it. It was good and healing.

My message for you today is to not allow YOURSELF to believe that anyone can stomp on ANY dream you have. There is literally nothing that we cannot accomplish. If we allow others’ opinions to be our reality, we are allowing our dreams to be stolen. While at the same time, we might tell ourselves. “it didn’t matter anyway…they are right…I am wrong…who do I think I am…I fail at everything…”

Those are just some of the things we might say to ourselves when we allow our dream to get buried by someone else’s impression, belief, or feeling.

I will run a race with my grandson. Probably not until next Spring, but I am on my way. My eyes are set on that goal. This week I started to a jog/walk routine and strained my quad muscle in my left thigh. So, I did have to stop almost all activity for several days (as this point) Stretching, icing, and resting.

The really cool thing is that because I claimed by dream back, I have not struggled again with the truth.

Is there something you really want to accomplish that you have not been able to thus far?

Are you like me and have quit things so many times that you just don’t believe anymore?

Do you feel like you are too old for your dream? Or too lazy or too fat?

Do you feel the years disappearing and your dreams lay behind you in a wasteland?

If you answered yes to any of those things, you are not alone!

Believe in the power of your own will.

Sit with yourself and evaluate what holds you back.

Don’t give up!

You can do it!

I can do it. I will do it.

“Nobody can tell you your dreams are too big!”

Be Blessed,

Beloved-Reborn, Cara-Renee



Supplies used:

Digital Paper – Hearts –

Liquitex Matte Gel –

Liquitex Flexible Modeling Paste –—zZ_waZ1GJSyB0H5Zw.hWKNHETHbDN-LRdbOEkmVNqtqvfaFPBcBn3khMprhEU&dib_tag=se&keywords=liquitex+flexible+modeling.+paste&qid=1719704340&sprefix=liquitex+flexible+modeling.+paste%2Caps%2C694&sr=8-1

Vintage Photo Archival ink Refill (Ranger doesn’t make a single pad that is vintage photo archival ink. You have to buy the refill and a DIY ink pad) –

DIY Ink Pad –

Art Alchemy Wax – Honey –

Golden Fluid Acrylics – Raw Umber, Green Gold, Manganese Blue & Vat Orange –

Liquitex Fluid Matte Medium –

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