Sunday’s ART of Truth 3/31/19 – Warrior Child

Hello Friends,

Today I am writing about something very near and dear to my heart. The Warrior Child. First, a little background…if you have been reading my posts and following my blog writings, it is quite evident that my personal journey has been long and hard. As children, we do not get to pick the families we are born into. We don’t get a say in who our parents are. We certainly don’t get a say in how we would have liked to be loved, protected, cherished or nurtured.

Warrior – a person engage or experienced in warfare; soldier. A person who shows or has shown great vigor, courage…

Child –  an unborn or recently born person.

So, Warrior Child is an unborn or recently born person who is experienced in warfare. An unborn or recently born person who shows or has shown great vigor and courage. Wow!

I think it puts things in a better perspective. No one in the human race is immune to pain. No one. We have all experienced disappointment, pain, and loss. A very high percentage have also experienced various forms of abuse from those who had authority & power over them. I am talking about the Warrior Child here. A child who is experienced in warfare showing great vigor and courage…

This small one had no defense, no recourse, and no way out- so they fight. We fight. We fought, didn’t we? What choice is there? after all, we were created by Papa God who gave us what we needed to navigate through deep waters. He gave us kind hearts, fierce minds, and strong spirits. For many, we learned to arm ourselves by going away, splitting the painful parts away from us. The survival instinct is intense. It is essential. It is a gift. We are strong. We are resolved. We are survivors. We are warriors.

There is a song that has been a favorite of mine since I was in my late teens. It is by Twila Paris- The Warrior is a Child. This song got me through a lot of days in the early years of my journey.

Lately I’ve been winning battles left and right
But even winners can get wounded in the fight
People say that I’m amazing
Strong beyond my years
But they don’t see inside of me
I’m hiding all the tears

They don’t know that I go running home when I fall down
They don’t know who picks me up when no one is around
I drop my sword and cry for just a while
‘Cause deep inside this armor
The warrior is a child

Unafraid because His armor is the best
But even soldiers need a quiet place to rest
People say that I’m amazing
Never face retreat
But they don’t see the enemies
That lay me at His feet…

Deep inside this armor
The Warrior is a Child

My friends, the Warrior Child in each of us deserves honor. Regardless of how we understand or experience that warrior in us, they deserve to be honored, believed, listened to, heard, and healed. Childhood can be the hardest of wars. We survive. We honor the stories. We encourage the voice. We provide for the needs. Above all else, we listen.

The journey to that child can be difficult. Heart-wrenching. I share because my heart longs for others to know there is hope. This week, I witnessed the most profound act of mercy and grace that I have ever seen in my life. My faith takes me to my Papa God. He knows exactly what my Warrior Child needs at every turn. I am blown away by the precision of His care. The heart of God is so much more than we could ever imagine or hope for.

But, we do hope…don’t we? We hope for someone to ease the pain. We hope for an end to suffering. We long for a safe place to rest our head and hearts. My friends, for me- that place is Jesus. The tears slide down my face as I write this.

He is friend. He is gentle. He is so amazing. He orchestrates the best plans ever. He does the impossible. He binds up our wounds. He sees our brokenness and reaches out his hand and with kind eyes, He welcomes us home. I experienced this only 3 days ago, again. He does it again and again. Each time it is unique. It is personal and beautiful.

My hope friends is that you will find healing in ways that you can understand. In ways that encourage you and give you life.


Beloved Reborn





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