Sunday’s ART of Truth -4/20/19 – “The War Is Over”

War is to be in active or vigorous conflict. It is to be fighting for your life. War is surviving. War is a state of open and declared armed hostile conflict between ‘states or nations.’ It is a battle between good and evil, light and dark.

We continually experience the beauty and grace through the healing hand and heart of God…this past week, yet again; Jesus showed up. He reaches in and reaches to the outermost darkness…He bends low. He brings His ear close to my very small self. He breathes life and truth into a tragic existence. He removes the old. The dirty rags…He touches the tear stained face of one who should never have seen such things. He whispers “I love you” over the gasping, crying, breathless, messy, confused and sweet little girl. He says, “It’s gonna be alright child”.

He calls her darlin’ and sweetheart and precious. He gives her beautiful white clothes made from the silk of heaven…He addresses every need. He is not in a hurry, for there is nothing more important than being with her (me)

Inside, in the deepest places of my soul, heart, and spirit; I know that the war is finally over. The case has been settled, the child has been released to places of love and peace. In the heavens, on the earth, and under the earth, the WAR IS OVER.

I find it surreal that I am writing this on the eve of Resurrection Day. The day that Jesus rose from the dead. The day that followed His voluntary and tortuous death of Jesus my friend, my Father, my Savior. “It is finished”. Yes, The war is over.

He took on all our sins, our shortcomings, our rebellion, our pain…He died for everything we’ve done, what was done to us, even what we are going to do. ALL so that we would know His love. His healing love. The love that ended the war over our lives THAT day. Before we were born. Before the darkness of this world left it’s mark…

Do you know that is LOVE is THE REASON He died?

I cannot imagine a greater gift. I cannot fathom a better plan. I cannot imagine a life without His love.

Over 2000 years ago, He slammed the book on darkness.

Last week, He gently pried my heart and my hands from this battle. He says, “The war is over”.

While we finish the life He has created us for, we will struggle, we will have trials, we will have tears…the enemy never gives up but He is DEFEATED, just as He was that day over 2000 years ago 💛

The journey is not for the faint of heart…but healing is possible.

My small self opened her heart and love poured in and made her whole.

My sweet friends reading this, my hearts’ cry is that you can know hope and healing and this beautiful beautiful pure love. I hope that this lends courage to your faint heart. I pray that the truth of who you are will be fully realized as you embrace love…

Thank you Jesus for surrendering your life for us so that we can know love- pure LOVE.

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