Sunday’s ART of Truth – Guard Your Heart – 8-16-2020

Sunday’s ART of Truth – Guard your heart – 8-16/20

Happy Sunday! Thank you so much for watching my YouTube video of this piece. I really peacefully enjoyed creating this beauty.

My inspiration for this piece came from a verse in Proverbs. “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it” – Proverbs 4:23

How many of you have said something to someone and immediately wish you hadn’t? Wished you could turn back time. Wish that you had paused before speaking. Recognized the potential cost of saying it. I certainly have. I have also been on the receiving end of that as well, too many times.

As humans, we want our perspective to be heard. We want a chance to defend ourselves, our position, and our choices. We want to be right. We want to justify. I am pointing the finger at me right now. I am responsible for no one else but me.

Each human has a choice to make. To use words to encourage and share kindness and love or use them to defend, deflect & justify ourselves. Did you know that we don’t have to justify ourselves? We don’t have to have a voice at all on a good many things.

This week, I bit the hook. I put me nose in the bee hive…It was wrong. It was all the things I listed. I wanted to make a point. I made it flowery, yes. I am good at that. It was wrong all the same. So, I have had to sit with that and check my heart. Ponder how to do this differently. This person didn’t ask to hear from me and didn’t ask for any perspective from me. In order to share perspective, we need a solid layer of relationship, on ground where hearts are clearly known and understood. Love allows us to filter what another person is saying to us (even if is not something we want to hear) But without love and relationship, it’s a treacherous path.

There is a time to have a voice. Motivation, examination about self-serving words, & face to face opportunities are key. There was no place in this person’s life or heart for me to speak. I knew it but I did it anyway. I wish that I hadn’t. I needed to pause and reflect. I need to do my own heart work. I needed to examine my motivation.

Those feelings, thoughts, desires etc need to be processed internally first.

Is it kind?

Is it helpful?

Is it needed?

Is it going to build the other person up or tear them down?

“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it” – that is our work.

If we feed on negativity, that is what is going to flow.

If we live in judgement, that is the message others will receive, even if our words are flowery.

If we don’t guard our hearts by being selective about what we feed it and who we allow to feed it, we will not relate in ways that are kind, positive, encouraging or non-judgmental.

Remember, we cannot control what other people do…we can only control our responses, our heart and our truth.

My friends, guard your hearts. Feed it good and healthy things. Let it bathe in uplifting music, good friendships, assuming positive intent & healthy affirmations of truth. I have found that when we do this, out of our heart flows the things we really want to express in the way our hearts really want to speak them. Sometimes, hard conversations must happen. But often, in day to day life, our job and our goal needs to be to guard our hearts. To foster healthy ground. To learn to pause and reflect. To filter out the things that we quite naturally want to project onto others. Do our internal work, so that what flows from it is life-giving, not grave digging. Don’t stomp on anyone’s heart and don’t allow anyone to stomp on yours 😊

I hope this resonated with you…

Blessings my friends,


Supplies used:

Crafters Workshop wings stencil –

12 x 12 Gallery Depth Wood Panel –

Decoart Craft Paints – Blush pink, Hauser Green Light & Warm Beige –

Golden Fluid Acrylics –

LTD Rice Paper – R01801 – Etsy Shop –

Ultra Thick Embossing Powder –

sVersa Mark Ink –

Flowers, chipboard & wood bits from my stash- you can use anything 😊

Most used mixed media supplies:

Liquitex Matte Medium-

Liquitex Glazing Medium-

Liquitex Gesso-

Liquitex Heavy Gesso-

Penny Black Script Stamp-

Shawn Petite Stencils-

Ranger Archival Ink-

Makeup Brushes-

Website –

Facebook –

Instagram – https://Breborn_Art_healing

Etsy –

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