Sunday’s ART of Truth – “He will cover you” – 9-20-20- BLOOPER…there was supposed to be music on the video 💛

Good morning friends, I was taking a pause on some things in my life. I tried to pause art and writing but I just cannot. Creating is like water to my dry and thirsty soul. I didn’t create for about a week and a half. Taking it slow. I have a lot of content ready to be uploaded so I will still be taking things a little slower and spending some time reflecting on important things in my heart.

I have been noticing lately how intolerant, judgmental & irritable I get, so easily. At the slightest thing. It takes me a bit of time to figure out what is going on and what I am feeling. Again and again it comes down to how out of control our world feels right now. It is so easy to lose sight of the tools in my box and all the things that I know to do to ground myself, to shift my attitude and attention to gratitude and trust in God. To reflective & recharging time.

Our world right now is rife with obstacles, challenges, fear and the unknown. I often do not recognize how I am drowning in it until I am feeling like shutting down. I am sharing this because I know that I am not alone. It is so easy to succumb to the fear and the talk without checking in with our own heart and soul. Our country and world have experienced blow after blow, wreaking havoc on our livelihood, peace & sense of stability. That is in addition to the day to day stresses of jobs and relationships.

Once I slowed down, I was reminded of a precious promise from the Psalms. They are my favorite parts of the bible. I love how David was just so real. One minute he was throwing a temper tantrum and wondering where God had gone. Had he forgotten him? Why had He turned his back? But then, you know, David reflected. And…he began to praise. In our language, that looks like thankfulness and gratitude.

Psalm 91:4 – “He will cover you with his feathers. And under his wings you will find refuge”

He will cover you. He doesn’t take us out. He doesn’t make it all go away. We live in a broken world. But, He does offer us a safe and quiet place to be covered & loved on. A place of refuge.

Refuge: noun

  1. a condition of being safe or sheltered from pursuit, danger, or trouble.

We are human. We are weak. We forget who our source of peace is. This world feels so broken and so hopeless at times. But, even when we don’t feel it, we have a hope that is greater than this world. It is peace that passes all human/worldly understanding. It is not of this world. If we look at what is around us, we will drown in defeat and hopelessness, anger and bitterness. We cannot find peace from the world. It comes from Him.

The world doesn’t have the answers my friends. As a woman who seeks to walk with Jesus, I must go back to Him again and again. Just as David did in the bible. We get angry. We feel abandoned. We wonder where God is. We feel lost. We feel out of control. We don’t know what or who to believe. It is difficult to navigate COVID19, restrictions, elections, important racial and political issues. It’s enough to drown anyone…but we must cry out. Jesus wants to hear about our concerns, our weary hearts, & our anxious minds. He wants to sit with us and flood us with His love, peace and perspective.

I know that when I slow down and I turn my face towards Him and away from this world, peace comes. As a woman of faith, this is where I go. It might be different for you.

Sometimes, the purposeful act of slowing down and turning off the TV, social media & the news is the best gift we can give ourselves. We don’t have to allow ourselves to be inundated with these things that rob us of our peace, gratitude and joy. We have to come up for air.

Where do you get air?

Where do you catch your breath?

What brings you joy and quiets your soul?

Do that…do that, a lot 😊

This world is indeed a mess right now. We have a lot of things to be concerned about & to be educated about but not at the cost of our sense of well-being and health.

My friends, I hope that in this tumultuous time, you will find respite in a bubble bath, a book, a walk, a cup of tea…or a good conversation with a friend. Cuddle time with your significant other…time to refuel. Time to look inside. Time to get back your center of gravity. We all need a place to lay our burdens.

My prayer and hope for you is that you find that place where you can lay it down, no matter what that looks like.

Lay it down and find some JOY.

Blessings my friends, until next time-


YouTube Video –

Supplies used:

Waverly Chalk Paint – Maize, Cashew & Scallion –

Craftsmart Craft Acrylic – Pink Blossom –

Decoart Crackle Paint- see list of Basic Mixed Media Supplies

Shawn Petite- Cobblestone stencil –

Liquitex Gesso, Heavy Gel, Flexible Modeling Paste – see list of Basic Mixed Media Supplies

Daler & Rowney Ink- Sepia –

Golden Glazing Medium- see list of Basic Mixed Media Supplies

Golden Fluid Acrylic – Raw Umber – see list of Basic Mixed Media Supplies

Rembrandt Soft Pastel- Black – see list of Basic Mixed Media Supplies

Liquitex Heavy Body Paint – Cadmium Yellow – see list of Basic Mixed Media Supplies

Prima Distress Tool- cannot locate

Stamperia Rice Paper-

Penny Black Script Stamp- see list of Basic Mixed Media Supplies

Decoart Premium Paint – Sap Green Hue and Green Gold –

List of basic mixed media supplies:

Liquitex Matte Medium-

Liquitex Glazing Medium-

Liquitex Gesso-

Liquitex Heavy Gesso-

Penny Black Script Stamp-

Shawn Petite Stencils-

Ranger Archival Ink-

Makeup Brushes-

Decoart Crackle Paint –

Rembrandt Soft Pastel – Black –

Golden Fluid Acrylics –

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