Video – Sunday’s ART of Truth – Seasons of Magic – 11-28-21

Video –

Hello Friends,

Welcome to Sunday’s ART of Truth. In this video, we are sneaking a peek at the signatures for this Wintery journal as well as creating our cover design.

Once again, I found myself struggling about what to create and write about. As I allowed myself to fuss through that place and continue to work on the projects around me, I knew what I wanted to write about. The sentiment I chose for the cover is a Tim Holtz metal bit that says Season of Magic. It got me thinking about how all the seasons we have are magical in their own way. I struggle with the seasons changing as they evoke movement in my memory of difficult times in my life. I spent the first 50 or more years of my life, surviving and healing. Now, with a more healed heart I find that I am more able to explore things in real and present time. I have enjoyed taking them and turning them about in my heart and re-framing bits that still pack a punch for me.

As I was thinking about this project and the magic of winter, as this journal will display, it got me thinking about the other seasons and what they bring to our lives.

Spring represents flowers and growth. Things around us turning from bare to green and emerging. It evokes hope and new beginnings. “Flowers don’t worry about how they are going to look, they just open up and turn towards the light and that makes them beautiful” – Jim Carey. When I read this quote, something turned inside of me. A beautiful re-framing of what Spring has always brought for me. There is more than trauma and reminders of loss. There is the truth of the flowers. The reality that we are all here, sprinkled about to bring joy and life to others. We are beautiful, like the flowers. I want to soak that up. I am reminded that whenever things feel dark and heavy, is all I must do is take a moment and turn my face toward the sun. Rest a bit. Feel the warmth of love around me and smile in peace.

Summer, oh sweet summer. It is probably my least difficult of all. The air is warm. The roses are blooming. Invitations to explore are all around us. The days are long, and the nights are short (my favorite) “It was June, and the world smelled of roses. The sunshine was like powdered gold over the grassy hillside” – Maud Hart Lovelace. Oh, how true that is. So much magic in the glistening sun. As it beats down and dances on the water. So much joy to be found in summer. I am grateful. It is magical indeed.

Fall or Autumn is my least favorite time of the year. Separating past from present is always difficult and it visits each year right on cue. This year, I have worked hard at re-framing chunks of, by creating things that make me uncomfortable and pressing into the truth of what fall means. I found this quote that sums it up perfectly! “Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go”. Wow. I read this and it took my breath away. I had never thought of it that way. Transitioning from one version of ourselves to another is a constant. It is also a necessity. It is always about letting go of old, dead things so that we have room in our hearts and our hands to accept the new things in front of us. It is beautiful to let go of what was before, but it is also very, very hard. To let go, we must find a way to make peace with ourselves over the things that still hold onto us. It is a process, isn’t it? I want to have free hands and a free heart to reach for the next thing, while honoring the pieces of the past that shaped me.

Winter, I do love Winter. Yet, it also comes with anniversaries of loss and trauma untold. I love the way the snow turns everything light and bright. Even in the dark of night, snow illuminates. It feels cleansing and fresh. “To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake, it is necessary to stand in the cold”. Another zinger of a quote and something that tweaked my heart and head. It is so true though, isn’t it? This feels huge. Too huge for this white page and this keyboard. To appreciate the beauty of (fill in the blank), it is necessary to stand in (fill in the blank) I can apply this to, literally a dozen things off the top of my head.

My friends, at times, it is necessary to stand in the cold. It is meaningful to sit in the hard place for a spell. It is healing to grieve. It is critical to learn how to tell ourselves the truth about who we are. How valuable we are in this world and to the people around us, even if it contradicts everything we have ever known.

It is essential to believe that beyond the winter and beyond the cold, spring is coming. The seeds are sprouting. The leaves are filling in all the holes in our world. Hope becomes tangible. Our hearts heal a bit more. A few more stitches to the tears are made, and we become more whole. Day by day, we are more whole.

This was heavier than I had in my mind as I processed writing this, but I am so thankful for the opportunity to spill these ideas and truths out on the page.

My friends, be gentle with yourselves, no matter what season you find yourselves in. Know that you are not alone. Know that change will come. You will grow. You will heal. Be true to your heart, listen carefully to what it has to say. The truth is there. It is for you. It is a gift. Lift your face the sun and allow yourself to be that flower, beautiful and blooming 😊

Blessings until next time,

Beloved – Reborn

Supply list under photos!

Supplies used:

Digital Kit – Winter Wonderland Kit – My Porch Prints Etsy –

Lace, and bits from my stash

Fabric –

Metal Corners –

Little girl – I think in the video I said these were from My Porch Prints but they aren’t. They come from Taylor Made Journals – Vintage Christmas Photos –

Junk Journal Basic Supplies List –

Crop-A-Dile –

Eyelets –

FabriTac Glue –

Art Glitter Glue –

Ranger Archival Ink – Vintage Photo – They no longer make the pad so I bought the re-inker and a DIY ink pad –


4 thoughts on “Video – Sunday’s ART of Truth – Seasons of Magic – 11-28-21

  1. Eva Gorecki says:

    You are right, this is absolutely gorgeous. I haven’t been asking to be in the drawings for your items because I felt I should give someone else the chance to recieve a beautiful gift from you too. I love my little book . Now that your number of followers have grown so much I am removing my self imposed restriction and will leave a comment on you tube requesting to be in the drawing. 🙂 I am happy to see how your channel has taken off, due to your hard work and inspiring projects. I hope you are enjoying the process. Blessings to you my friend.

    • Beloved-Reborn says:

      Thank you Evie! I am so glad that you are lifting that restriction. There will be plenty of opportunities for people to win. I can’t even tell you the joy it brings to be able to create add give away. I don’t know if it will always be this way, but for now I will continue. Who knows, maybe one day, I will try selling again. But not until I have someone to do my taxes beginning to end. It is so stressful. Blessings my sweet friend 💛

  2. Lori Thielen says:

    When I read your blog post, it brought tears to my eyes. It is good to be reminded that we are not alone and change will come. I am thinking I was led to this channel for a reason. Thank you for having the courage to be so open.

    • Beloved-Reborn says:

      💛 now, I am going to cry. This is a fulfillment of every promise God ever made to me. It is simply amazing to me that He uses the broken to shine light and help people to not feel alone. Blessings to you key friend 💛

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