Sunday’s ART of Truth – 3-15-20 – “I sing beneath the shadow of Your wings” (plus video)

Hello friends, today I wanted to talk about the fear that has completely saturated society. Not only hear in the United States, but everywhere that the Coronavirus is spreading.

While, I believe that we have a responsibility to be informed, educated and prepared- it is dangerous to succumb to the media’s power to control our thinking, our purchasing & our responses to fear.

I don’t debate religion or politics or who I vote for however, as this week has unfolded; our society has gone rabid. The media, the government, the President, & us, the citizens all playing a role in how the spread of this virus is being perceived. The heart behind this post it not to debate or discuss what is really fueling this media blitz and ‘pandemic’, but to share what our choices are in the midst of fear.

We all have a choice about where we land when bad things happen. When fear grows bigger than life. When people hoard basic supplies making it impossible to their neighbors to purchase essentials. When we allow the world to dictate our new reality, we are in a dangerous place…

It is not to say, or to take lightly that people are dying from this virus, but the mass disturbance in human thinking and reasoning is insane. I am not here to site stats or debate the ‘real’ threat of this virus but to share some thoughts about how we CHOOSE to think of it. Today it’s the Coronavirus, tomorrow, what will it be? Will we allow the media to dictate our peace?

I am sick, again. People I know are sick. Our schools are shutting down. The shelves of stores are being wiped clean. As I have been thinking and praying about this, I am reminded that my peace and sense of well being CANNOT come from this world or anything in it. “I sing beneath the shadow of Your wings”, yes, yes, yes.

It is easy to succumb to fear and speculation and continuous media and political slant in our world. It is easy to believe what the media and society is spoon feeding us. I believe that we are responsible for our own response to these things. Everything shakes down to, ‘whose are we?’ Do we belong to this world? or do we belong to our Creator and ourselves?

We have a choice when fear takes hold. We have a place to go when the world is in utter madness. Today, the Coronavirus…tomorrow, earthquakes? famine? flood? tornado? war? Who knows? We do not know what tomorrow holds. It has become somewhat cliche to say “I don’t know what tomorrow holds, but I know who holds my tomorrows.”

However, it is true.

I want to be able to stand strong and not succumb. I want to have realistic responses to things going on around me. I am reminded that in Him, in Jesus- I can sing beneath the shadow of His wings. I can rest in that sheltered place and know that come war or famine, disease, earthquake, virus or death- I can have peace.

We can respond to life events with balance and maturity and rest in a safe place where our Father fills us with peace and a deep sense of protection.

I hope that you are well. I hope that those you love are well. If you feel intense fear or a sense of being out of control in your circumstances, that you can find that place with Him where you can have peace from the ever increasing onslaught of fear in this world.

I can say that I feel concerned when our schools shut down and parents have no one to care for their children when they still have to go to work. I feel concerned about the absolute madness that fuels peoples’ choices and I feel concerned with sharing germs and passing on any kind of illness to those I care about.

But…I will choose to not live in fear. This world is temporary. I want my reality and my peace to be in Jesus who sees the beginning and the end and He offers the water that this world doesn’t even know that it needs.

I pray you are well. I hope that this sharing gives you peace and comfort and a kindhearted reminder of where you can find peace 🙂


Beloved- Reborn

Supplies used:

8 x 10 page in my disc bound journal

Liquitex Matte Medium-

Rice paper design –

Liquitex gesso-

Ranger black archival ink-

Stencils- Tim Holtz floral mini & not sure the maker of the foilage stencil I used

Art Alchemy waxes in Peacock-

Lindys sprays- Yellow Rose of Texas, Delphinium Blue & Peony Scarlet Red-

Golden Raw Umber fluid acrylic-

The Crafters Workshop Light & Fluffy modeling paste-

Soho Soft Pastels-

Generals Charcoal pencil-