Welcome to B.Reborn Art & Healing! I am so blessed that you stopped by. Within this website you will get a peek inside a survivor’s journey through a variety of art forms as well as my Sunday’s ART of Truth blog writings. My hope is that you will find a place to rest your heart and soul as you read & peruse the art that is represented here.
I am a watercolor and mixed media artist. I am also a survivor of childhood trauma. My journey has been long but equally full of rich treasures gathered along the way. There was a time not long ago when I could not even imagine a day when life would be filled with such joy, creativity and light. Through watercolor, I get to experience the wonder of seeing the beauty in a painted flower or landscape. I love the unpredictable play between color and water that is found in this medium. While I love watercolor and it is my favorite medium, I have also fell head over heels in love with mixed media. The same unpredictability exists there as well. An idea in my mind or imagination is often replaced by something far deeper and more meaningful as I get my hands dirty. There is beauty in letting go of old restraints and fears and just playing.
Offerings of hope for healing and a sister or two for the journey.
Blessings – Beloved-Reborn (Cara-Renee)